Heard from my GP today

So today was a pretty good day today.  I woke up and my blood glucose was 69.  (Insert juvenile laugh here.)  It’s not usually that low, though it’s almost always below 90.  It’s a good thing I showered last night so I could get right around and have breakfast this morning.  I was also glad it was on the low side because I was concerned about what lunch was going to do with me.

A large group (60+ people) of us went from work to have lunch at the sushi and Chinese buffet.  It was a sort of going away lunch for Jeremy, since his last day is tomorrow.  It was the first time I’d been to this place, and it was pretty nice.  They had a huge selection of food and it was difficult for me to keep myself to two plates of food.  I probably should have stopped after the first plate, but I just decided I had to splurge.  I did try to be a bit carb conscious during the whole meal though.  The sodium thing, though?  I doubt I did very well on that front.  It’s kind of hard to eat low sodium when you’re chowing down Chinese food.

While I was just finishing up lunch, my phone rang.  The number looked like it was a URMC number, so I stepped out of the party room the restaurant had put our chattering mob and answered.  It turns out that it was Dr. Venci.  He wanted to talk to me about the results of the A1c test he had ordered two weeks ago.  I was surprised it took him so long to get in touch with me about it.  As it turns out, my original guess was right and he was actually concerned that my A1c was too low.  This is especially since my blood glucose readings over the past three months would have suggested it should have been around 7.0 and it came back 4.5.  It left him (and me, for that matter) wondering what my blood sugar was doing in the middle of the night — perhaps getting dangerously low?

So Dr. Venci told me to cut my lantus (insulin) again, and I’m only taking 5 units a night.  He also said that if my fasting glucose readings get into the 70’s or 60’s again, I should just quit taking lantus altogether.  Which is kind of cool, since we were hoping I’d be able to go off it and control my diabetes via oral medications eventually anyway.  It’s just a pleasant surprise that I may be reaching that goal even sooner than we had really expected.

Apparently, I also didn’t do too badly at lunch, as my blood glucose was 109 about an hour after.  It may have still been going up at that point, but the fact that it hadn’t skyrocketed to over 200 was a very good sign.  Of course, for some reason, it’s kind of high tonight.  I took it about twenty minutes ago and it’s a whopping 138.  Hopefully it still comes down so it’s below 100 by the morning.


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