So much for it not being about hating gays

So, in a previous post, I talked about a writer who said he thinks no one should be announcing their sexuality to everyone in listening or viewing distance. I decided to post the first part of an exchange he and I had over the discussion. (YOu’ll notice that my first comment contains the basic points that I later turned into my last post.)

After reading his column, I said the following:

Do you hate it when heterosexual couples demonstrate their heterosexuality by holding hands in public? Do you hate it when heterosexual coworkers demonstrate their heterosexuality at the office by putting pictures of their spouses and children on their desk? Do you hate it when heterosexual men demonstrate their heterosexuality in public by noticeably checking out the good looking woman that walks by them?

Truth be told, people express and demonstrate their sexuality in public all the time. You’ve just learned to tune most of those instances out.

I’m reminded of one time I wore one of my favorite pride shirts at the Eastview Mall. After walking past the Sprint kiosk twice, the guy actually asked me to stop so he could stare at it and try to figure out what it said. He finally asked me, and then proceeded to get noticeably upset when I told him. At least he had the sense not to verbally complain, as he made the effort to decipher the message. His own nosiness put him in a bad position.

After reading my response, he offered the following reply:

This woman was wearing a T-Shirt that said “”. I think many homosexuals disapprove of this kind of indiscretion. I am advocating a little more discretion from everyone. And the S&Mers can take the hand-cuffs off their rearview mirrors, too. Lol.

I followed up with the following statements:

If you’re going to argue she wasn’t discreet enough, you’re going to have to defend the argument better than that.

If she had been there with her girlfriend and they were holding hands, everyone present still would’ve known she was a lesbian. How does wearing a tee shirt ultimately differ from that scenario? The exact same information is still divulged to everyone present. So what makes the one discreet and the other one indiscreet?

At this point, he decided to become more truthful about his position by saying the following:

It has to do with culture and civilization. Homosexuality disgusts most people. The current degree of tolerance is a relatively new thing. I know you guys want to keep pushing the envelop, but the rest of us see you as part of a deviant subculture. We don’t want you influencing our kids and changing our culture. That’s how traditionalists feel. If you are a deviant of some sort, you should be discreet about it. Tragically, homosexuals suffer from a defect, and they should stop trying to convince the rest of us to embrace, celebrate, and be influenced by it.

And there you have it. After a couple back-and-fourth exchanges, he blows his own claims that it’s not about anti-gay bias right out of the water.

I’m not surprised, except maybe for how little time it took to reach that point.

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Wow, what an ignorant jerk! I’m glad you put him in his place, or at least tried to. I have a feeling he’s too thick headed to digest your valid points. *random noter*

August 28, 2008

random noter.. but not only that, but didn’t they say in ione of the articles that it was an educational site? I haven’t been there, but.. that’s what I read. guess I should check it out and educate myself.. 🙂 and plus, through the guard’s ridiculousness, she’s just getting to fight for our cause more.. I say bring it on.

August 28, 2008

I have far more respect for people who can be honest with themselves rather than hiding behind a facade of “I’m not prejudiced against gay people!” or “I’m not racist!” Granted it’s not a lot of respect in the grand scheme of things, but more than I give to those who lie.

People need to keep speaking up and exposing this foolishness. Good job!

August 28, 2008

random noter….. Well said!!!!! Ignorant jerk is right

August 28, 2008

Have I used “bravo” yet? Bravo.

I really hate people like that… glad you put him is his place!

August 28, 2008

RYN: It was about the place I work, just so yah know 😉

August 28, 2008

wAH!! he didn’t even answer your first comment questions… WTF that dude is an ares i stoped reading after “Infulcing our kids”

I am not too sure what you expected from someone. In a nation of supposably 80-90 Christian population it would only be natural for the homosexual lifestyle to displease and disgusting because of their personal beliefs. Is there a new tolerance for gays in America. Definately but it is going to take some time before these stereotypes fade and become part of history such as we are now experiencing

to some extent with the black population. Truth be told it does seem like the more militant gays seem to go out of their way to stuff it in the face of others of whom they know will be offended. As to your point is it any different than a heterosexual couple showing their affections for one another. No, I don’t believe it is normally, though again I point to the above. A defect? Is he saying

that being gay is genetic or that gays are some kind of freaks. For me to be honest it is hard for me to deal with this subject because while I do believe the Bible says it is wrong and it is sin, I also don’t believe that any person of faith (God fearing) should act like a complete idiot belittling, and things of that nature. I believe that we love them as much as we would love anyone else

because contrary to what that one church preaches “God hates fags” that is ridiculous and the scriptures never teach God hates them. In fact it is quite the opposite. For God so loved the world (homosexuals too) and I might also mention that as quick as many are to jump on the gay is a sin bandwagon, I bet there is some sin in their lives as well and God hates all sin not just the ones we have a

problem with. Sometimes I just cringe when I hear what some of my fellow brothers and sisters say and with the hate that seems to accompany their statements. It isn’t Christian. It isn’t right, it isn’t righteous and it is not honoring God. Anyways that is my two cents worth 🙂

I want to clarify my statement above; What I mean was some people want to be offensive just for the sake of being offensive and I find that equally as wrong as well.

August 29, 2008


RE: changing culture and “that’s how traditionalists feel” Here is what I’d say to him: “Well, honey, yes, that is true. That’s called being conservative – it is all about preserving or conserving the status quo. But some of us think the status quo needs changing, because it is harmful and damaging to a great many people.” Because it’s true.

August 30, 2008

“changing our culture”??? Wow. That blew me away. I continue to be shocked by the Conservative mindset that being Xtian and right-wing and “pro-life” and anti-gay is the dominant culture in this country, and thus the “correct” way to (not) think. Our (incredibly pagan and tolerant) founding forefathers and foremothers are rolling in their graves about now!