Okay, so some might think me a morbid god

Today’s first question comes from NCPagan13:

Assuming that life’s Karmic goal is to evolve to a higher status and you acheived the “required karmic points” to evolve into a god, what would you be a patron of, i.e love, war, art, water and what impacts would you make?

Wow! There’s a lot of assumptions in this question (including a few that weren’t explicitly acknowledged as such), and I’d be hard pressed to find a single one that I actually happen to agree with. But in the spirit of the exercise, I’ll set my philosophical differences aside and tackle the question as asked.

If I were to somehow find myself in that special line for newly appointed Divine Beings, I think I’d ask my certificate to be stamped with the title of “God of Mourning.” I would be that god who everyone who mourned and were suffering through the pains of loss would pray to, cry out to, and even scream at.

One of the things I’ve learned over the past several years is just how important mourning is. And as I sat pondering this question, I’ve realized that I’m not aware of any deity who takes it as their primary duty to oversee this all important aspect of life and death. Sure, there are gods of death, but they seem to be focused on escorting the dead to the afterlife and watching over them. So I think it’d be time for those left behind to have their own god to call upon for comfort.

To me, mourning is actually the final celebration of a life that has ended. It’s the celebration of the love that has been shared between the person who has passed and those who remain behind. It’s the bitter realization that those precious moments of love, tenderness, and intimacy are a thing of the past and will not be experience anew again in this lifetime. It’s about closure. And I think that such an important part of the life-cycle needs a deity to solemnize it.

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Nicely said.

August 7, 2008

o0o good

August 7, 2008

Wow. That’s an interesting God to choose to be. I didn’t expect that. I don’t think its morbid at all. We all go through mourning and heartache and death. I just went to a funeral yesterday! Weird that you’d write this today.

August 7, 2008


August 7, 2008

Quite well thought I must say!

August 7, 2008

Very interesting answer. Even more interesting the differences in our spirituality.

August 7, 2008

While it isn’t her primary purpose, from things I’ve read and UPG’s, that is one of the things that Hlin (whether she’s a separate goddess or just another name for Frigga, I’m not touching with a ten foot pole) takes an interest in. It’s part of the shield part of the sword and shield. I just read this to my not-boyfriend with the preface of “This is a stunning example of why I love Jarred.”

August 7, 2008

(Stupid character limit) Flowers… @};-