As if I need any more changes!

Another question by Stelthe:

If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be and why?

My first reaction to this question is best summed up by the title I chose for this entry. I’ve actually undergone so many changes over the past several years that I kind of wish things would stay the same for a little bit. (Okay, not really.)

The other thing about this question is that it implies another question: “What am I unhappy about in my life right now?” And my answer to that question is a simple, “Very little, actually.”

Over the past several years, I’ve done a lot of work to reshape both myself and my life to where I want to be. I’ve gained self-confidence. I’ve discovered that I have great things to offer other people in friendship. I’ve built new possibilities for meeting people and improved myself. All in all, my life is right about where I want it.

If there’s anything left, I’d have to say it’s in the realm of relationships. I’m growing weary of being single. After spending the past several years figuring out what a great guy I am and how much I have to offer another person, it’s a bit frustrating to know that I haven’t yet found another person to actually share with. It’s kind of like being all excited because you’ve learned how to fix car engines, only to realize you don’t have access to any car engines that need to be fixed.

So that’s the one thing that I’d change right now. I’d find that wonderful guy I’m waiting to build a life with and pester him until he clobbers me over the head with his club and drags me back to his cave. 😉

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August 4, 2008

well at least you’re un happy about ltitle. i’m alot un happy with but i’m trying to do something about it.

August 4, 2008

Refreshing entry. Different approach to a lot of people who always seem to be discontent, but honest about wanting companionship and love.