How Embarassing!

This one was asked by Stelthe:

What is your most embarassing moment?

Actually, I’d say that my most embarassing moment would’ve been my little incident at Red Lobster with Josiah. I blogged about this back on Bloop in mid-April. I considered just cut and pasting the entry here. However, I’ve decided to retell the story for the sake of getting the writing practice in.

A group of friends and I went to Red Lobster back in April. Once we were seated, I decided to run to the restroom. So I gave my drink order to one of my fellow diners and ran off to do my business. When I returned to our table, our waiter was there. His name was Josiah, and he was a handsome young man. I’d guess he was eighteen or nineteen, which means he was way too young for me. HOwever, he was absolutely adorable, having a lean body and baby face. I took a step back, looked at him, grinned and said “Hi!” in my best “I hope it’s not too obvious I’d like to take you home for dessert” voice. He smiled a bit nervously and said “Hi!” back. (At first, I thought he might’ve been having a similar experience, but that turned out to be wishful thinking.)

The meal went well, and my friends talked and joked over fantastic food and fantastic service. When I was about halfway through my meal, a young woman (it wasn’t clear to me what her exact job was at the restaurant) walked over and asked us who had ordered the chicken dish. I raised my hand and she handed me a survey. She explained that the dish I had ordered was a new menu item and they were looking for feedback.

One of my friends asked if she had a survey card they could fill out about the service we received from Josiah. The young woman indicated that she didn’t have a survey will filled out, but did inquire if we were satisfied with him. Me, feeling quite silly and bold at this moment decided to have a little fun and say, “Oh yes. I’d say he’s a perfect ten. And he’s done a pretty good job of waiting on us too.” The entire table and the young woman speaking with us laughed for a brief moment. Then she smiled and gently said, “The irony here is that he happens to be my boyfriend.”

I’m not sure how many shades of red my face turned at that moment. I take great comfort in the knowledge that at least all traffic on Jefferson Road outside the restaurant didn’t come to a screeching halt. However, I managed to smile and laugh about the whole experience. I’ve even admitted that if I had the chance to say the same thing all over again, I would. And lucky for me, Erica (Josiah’s girlfriend) took the whole thing in stride.

I will note, however, that Josiah seemed a bit more shy and nervous after that point. Oh well, hopefully he’s gotten over the shock in the months since then.

While I’m thinking of it, I’ll also briefly mention my other strange experience when eating at Red Lobster that occurred over a year ago. I went there with a friend and after we were seated, a young man came over, introduced himself, and indicated that he would be our server. I was almost speechless because he looked just like one of my favorite Bel Ami models. He had the same curly heair, facial features, and slim, graceful build. I was so stunned by the likeness that I found it difficult to look at him, let my facial expression betray the thoughts going through my head. Of course, the main thought going through my head involved wondering just how else this young waiter might look like my favorite Bel Ami model. 😉

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Hehehehe… I have never understood why it’s such a problem in our culture to be admiring of beauty. But, there it is.