It rarely pays to argue with a goddess.

One of the interesting things about Freyja acting as my patroness and primary guide is that she often puts in her two cents on my health and any matter related to it. And while she certainly reaffirms my right to make my own decisions about what I should do, she both makes her opinion about the best course of action known and is brutally honest about the consequences of a bad decision I’m considering.

Consider, for example, a brief exchange we had tonight at dinner. After working at the shop all afternoon, Belinda, Amy, and I decided to go to dinner at Red Lobster tonight. The three of us sat in a comfortable booth enjoying our meals. After I finished my chicken linguini alfredo (one of the great ironies of my life is that I eat at Red Lobster at least once a month despite the fact that I don’t like seafood or fish), I pondered the possibility of dessert. After all, I absolutely love their ice cream sundae with the big chocolate chip cookie on the bottom. I considered it when Miss Thing decided to make her thoughts known. The exchange went something like the following.

Her: I don’t think that’s a good idea.

Me: But it’s so good!

Her: Yes, but you’ve already had enough to eat.

Me: I can manage it!

Her: You also had the pina colada with dinner.

Me: I know, but I probably won’t come back for a few more weeks, and I really want the sundae.

Her: Okay, let me lay it out for you. Then you can choose whatever you want.

Me: Lay it out for me?

Her: Your digestive system is already a bit out of whack due to your recent changes in exercise and eating habits. You’ve eaten a large meal and had a drink. Before you order the ice cream, you might just want to stop and ask yourself how much time you really want to spend in the bathroom this evening.

Me: You mean….?

Her: Well, let’s just say that if you have the ice cream, you might want to move the television in there as soon as you get home so you don’t miss your shows.

I eventually saw reason and went without dessert tonight. Hey, it was my choice. But all the same, it sure feels like she play dirty some days. 😉

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July 19, 2008

Not that it’s funny, but it is in a way… kinda reminds me of the voices I heard a while back LOL!

Well, compromise. Miss Thing should be very happy if you had some fruit for dessert. It’s sweet, and eat enough of it for a few weeks and you suddenly just don’t want processed sugar any more. :nods:

Hummn she did have a point.

July 19, 2008

You should do what you want. It’s a sundae, not heroine.

RYN: That’s a nice letter, but here’s the thing…Joe and I have discussed this with Sarah before. There was a meeting of the WRCF clergy committee at WhiteLight’s house, and we were all there, including Sarah, and this very thing came up. Joe being the former RC that he is, described all of this most eloquently and clearly. But Sarah just seemed to be very nervous and giggly and basically blew usoff. Many Pagans (I am not saying all of them, but a lot of them) think “if the Christians do this or this, I want nothing to do with it!” Even if it’s something that works. Both of us have noticed this. Somehow Joe just quietly shakes his head and after he has had his say, leaves off of the topic. :sigh: I gotta admit, sometimes I think the title of the Ritual Studies class should not be “Ritual Studies” but “Magical Studies” because it focuses more on things that I’d call magical techniques, not writing liturgy and all that. I despair, I really do. Ultimately, under the irritation, I feel very sad about it all, seriously. Which is why I’m forever tempted to give up. cont…

…But Joe has said I should not quit, because even though people may not WANT what I have to say, but they NEED it. Beyond that, there are times when I think “if ya can’t beat ’em, join ’em” and I want to throw my hands up and say OK fine Universe, I’ll be an eclectic Wiccan! Only my practice would be more Anglo-Saxon focused, of course… Now I have a Viking pestering me to showerso we can go to Etienne’s big yard sale; much hardware for sale there…

Red Lobster use to be one of my favorites but then they go so expensive. The dinner I usually get the admiral feast went up like $6 dollars and is just too much. But I am sure I will go back. Ever been to Red Robin?

RYN: The Sicilian Burger has become one of my favorites as well. Now that we are talking about this I am getting a craving to get me some Red Robin. 🙂

RYN: Oh, Jarred, if you only knew….Fancey died 14 years ago, just a few months after Bean herself was born. Sometimes I still grieve for Fancey. But the AVS office (who euthanized Bean) sent me a beautiful, heartfelt, handwritten sympathy card. They are such wonderful doctors there. I only wish they could be my regular vet for all my pets always, but they are specialists only.

RE: “If you can’t avoid hitting the hundred or so square inches that are covered by your own feet, you’ve got issues.” Or huge feet.