This is not a test

I don’t miss my job. I do not miss this particular job. That is what I have learned. I don’t not care about Idaho. About it’s lying conservative law makers, about its super religious people who tell you it’s their god given right to congregate. I don’t miss seeing people who tell you they don’t care about a “flu”. The people that say a bunch of rude words online because you don’t support the reaction of this particular president. And let the record show, I have nothing against level headed conservatives or religious people. It’s just I don’t think I can’t take one more person who says that this lockdown is over reaction. It tends to be conservative, religious people who say this in my experience. They are the ones that tell you to unite with and pray for Trump. I can’t because as a human of Earth, I have too much empathy and compassion for people who are the opposite of Trump. He’s also insane and the things he has said during this pandemic have solidified my feelings.

Back to not missing my job. I somewhat miss the students. Other years I would have missed them more. I don’t really miss the staff. I was running on week one of school being closed. A random texts pops up on my Fitbit basically saying, “Hi, it’s (rude teacher my other entry was about) we have some things to discuss over the phone.”

Actually we don’t have anything to talk about aside from you saying “can’t make time or won’t make time.” Or telling a student, “actions have consequences” when the student told her that I am jealous that she gets to go to the mountain to snowboard.


I never texted back. Nor will I. Good thing about that is I’ll probably not be back to school this year, so there’s plenty of time for her to hopefully find something better to do than care that I took her off all of my social media. That is what I am guessing she wants to discuss.

There’s a box of donuts, hand sanitizer and Lysol spray in my classroom getting no use because we can’t really go into our rooms unless it’s an emergency. It sort of is…as I want that Lysol spray since everyone has hoarded supplies like insufferable, inconsiderate idiots.

I don’t miss the vice principal who ignores my email to help with all of this none sense. I don’t have a third period so they asked for teachers to call their third period. I asked if there was anything I could do to assist and she never wrote back, but she wrote an email to everyone saying that she appreciates all the people who called.

I’ve taught so many places. I’ve been a part of so many things. I’ve taught in some very scary places. This is the most boring white bread, mundane place I have ever taught and they’ve never once utilized a thing I have said or cares about anything I have had experience with. I’ve had lots of time to think during this pandemic crisis. The sooner I can stop working here the better. The sooner I can get home, also the better.

I am worried every single day my husband has to work as he’s considered essential – all essential workers are important. I guess at least he’s not a doctor or nurse,  but he’s a firefighter and is still required to go on calls where people hide the fact they’re sick. He’s tested negative for Covid-19 already. They can get the results in two days for first responders,  but it takes like 2 weeks for My friend and her husband  just to know if they were infected.



This world right now? Not my favorite.

As an introvert though, I am doing very well.

I am scared to go to stores though. I’m scared Dustin will give us the virus.

I’m sad for all the people infected by a virus that seems like it does care about killing older people, but also anyone.

Overall, it’s just a hard time in history.

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April 5, 2020

In my 50s, and laid off from a job, I decided to finish a BA I never completed. Following that, I thought that I might get an MAT and teach middle school, either full-time or as a sub, as a sort of “retirement job.” My county is ultra conservative and religious and this spilled over into the schools…prayer before teachers’ meetings, that sort of thing. I loved the middle-schoolers and I think they liked me…but I knew, with my outspokenness and personality, that I’ve never get along with the bureaucracy and got a Masters in something else.

April 5, 2020

@solovoice the students probably did love you! Teaching is the best when you get to do the job. That’s not how it is anymore. I’m glad you chose to do something else. I will probably do so in the future.

April 13, 2020

I am sad that you don’t have a school to miss. Because you are a ver well-loved teacher when your families aren’t upperclass ignorant bitches. You have had more student love than I ever have and it is really a travesty that you are working for a school and for families that cannot see how great you are.

It is not okay.

And I am not okay with it.

And you are missed very much from some people in GP. I hope you can find your way home soon.