ten years ago
ten years ago i had not slept but little here and there for three long nights. up the coast to seattle for a day or two and that morning i shall never forget we headed east to yellowstone. it was to be (but never became) the end of the journey of several thousand miles driving in our favorite car. across the country first west then north now east the final hurrah before we headed home.
we did not know that morning our lives would never be just quite the same. some freedoms would die to the call of "patriotism" and like phrases spun by men with hearts as black as the bastards who flew the planes that day. cancelled plans and a furious trip back home, praying we had seen the last of insane acts by insane men ( the world is run by insane men ) ah we are at war i thought. ah we are at war i think………. still.
the world is now not a safer place. just a different one but yet the same. for now i know in truth when i felt safe ten years ago. it was an illusion.
for those who died a requiem
for those who lived a requiem for freedom
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