A productive Saturday
I had a productive day. Ticked off much to do, and my belly is full. Bud burnered. Considerably content.
Except for a desperate longing for love in any capacity right now. Shameful confession to the web.
My heart is beating over a text message. To a stranger. With a pretty face and his pretty face is distracting. As soon as I get even a hint of possibility I fall down hill FAST. I start inventing an imaginary future in my head and I think that is plausibly unhealthy and annoying! I need to stop doing this.
He just a person with a nice face but could completely not be for me. Tread with a terrible attitude(meant positively lol)! Just keep it a lil hush dreamer is what I’m saying.
Anyways, my tapestry that i’ve been painting on for weeks now is finally refitted(I painted over 60% of the icky green background, which reminded me of dying flowers in an old fashioned house, with a homey yellow), and it is very calming on the wall.
i just rewatched Gone Girl after a week of struggling to select movies due to the abundance of time afforded to by our gracious home detention(I kid, I am not salty at all, god bless Jacinda). That movie should have a warning on it for being too real. My blood pressure is never okay after watching it, I don’t know why I insist on putting myself through it. I can’t believe I was rooting for Julianne Moore in that Oscar season, over Rosamund Pike. M(r)s Cool girl.
I want to paint Diego’s make shift card board shelter tomorrow in an ‘under the sea’ themed manner. I have a vision.
Night now.