Needed: Washer and Dryer

So, I’m at my parents right now doing laundry. Hopefully we will be able to go get my friends Washer and Dryer next weekend. I HATE bringing all my dirty clothes over to my parents and then sitting at their house until I get it done… (gas is too expensive, even though I live like 5 miles from my parents house). So, I have about another 45 minutes to wait and then I’m heading home. Hopefully my friend Amy is still going to come out, even though it’s taken me longer than I thought it would take me.

I got all my transcription done today at the Doctor’s. Thank goodness. It didn’t take me that long, but I went in 4 days this week and I’m just tired of working at the moment. It’s my day off from my other job.. Thank God for that one!! I’m burnt out. At least the past 2 days at the Hospital have been better… I’m not sure what got me so bent out of shape the past week.

Got into it with Marcus last night… I haven’t been texting him lately and waiting on him. Which is dumb. He text me yesterday and informed me that he got a new job at the radio station… it went downhill from there… It’s really frustrating talking to that kid. I don’t know if he’s trying to be an asshole, and if he is, why the hell text me in the first place? I asked him “doing what?” and to some that may sound like a dumb question, but I don’t think it really was… his response was “on air.” So I replied, “like a DJ?” and he said “Yeah.” Then he proceeded to tell me that he would make so much an hour and that he’s going to save up for a car and to move. I asked him where he wanted to move to… he said Des Moines and went on and on about how he wants to do a sports program on the internet for some junior hockey or something or other dealing with hockey. I asked him if he was giving up on being a player and he said yeah. I asked him if that was ok with him and he said no. Then there was like an hour of nothing and I text him good night and I told him to enjoy his new job and to take care. He told me to quit acting like I was crazy and dying or that I was never going to talk to him again. I responded back that he hardly talks to me anymore anyways and we haven’t seen each other in a long time and that if people weren’t going to make the effort with me I wasn’t going to make the effort with them. And he said absolutely NOTHING. I don’t care anymore what happens. I used to. But that was only because I honestly had feelings for the bastard… now… I just don’t care. He’s an asshole 9 out of 10 times that we do talk. I think the only thing that kept us talking was Hockey, and that’s now over. Guess I will see what happens.

So, the house is still kinda lonely, but I am trying to figure out things to do. I’ve been cleaning, which is odd for me. I usually hate cleaning… but lately there’s been nothing else to do and I’ve been bored and it’s needed to be done.

Xerxes is doing well. He’s soooo darn cute.

Speaking of, I think I am going to try and add pictures in the next entry. We will see if I can figure it out…. so, if the next one has pictures I figured it out… if not, I gave up and couldn’t figure it out!! 🙂


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June 7, 2008

Have you done any decorating yet? Pictures, doilies, skulls, swords hanging on the wall? I never feel like a place is home until I can hang up a few of my favorite things.