Working with a nazi and the damn devil

So, I have to work post partum/nursery today due to the fact that Chelsea was working and decided she was going to work the NICU even though I’ve been up there all freakin’ week… even after working back to back for the freakin’ girl… anyways, so, we had like 7 dismissals and got 4 kids from labor and delivery. HOW FREAKIN’ CRAZY!! First off, the nazi was in charge today…. me and her do not get along at all. I was working on some dismissals… just getting what I could put it so when I could finally print everything off I would have most of it done… basically I was working ahead trying to get ahead of the game before the shit hit the fan… she came up to me and stated what I obviously already knew… and I told her that… and she just bitches and moans constantly… not willing to help out ever… and basically sits on her ass alot… so… I got the 7 dismissals done on the floor and then went into the nursery and did their 5 dismissals… and admitted 4 babies… and straightened the nursery out because one of the dillweed nurses doesn’t know what she’s doing and puts papers where they don’t belong… yadi yada… anyways…. guess who is working in the nursery with me today? Yup… you guessed it… devil nurse. I swear this lady is bipolar… something is seriously wrong with her. Just freakin’ CRAZY… and it’s like she goes out of her way to make your life a living hell. Sometimes I get so frustrated with her I just have to sit there and laugh otherwise I would go off on her.

So, I lost my voice… not totally… but I sound quite funny. UGH. So, besides putting up the with devil and the nazi, I didn’t have a voice and everyone kept having me repeat everything which pissed me off because it hurt to talk as it was. People suck big time!!

I ended up staying late at work too… because I was so pissed off today I ended up writing a note to my other co-workers about the way things need to go… it’s funny how idiotic people are… how they don’t use their head… it’s simple things that really shouldn’t need to be told… but apparently someone needs to tell them… I swear everyone that works at the hospital got hit with a stupid stick or something. Bunch of freakin’ morons.

So, Hockey is in a couple hours. I can’t wait. I’m going by myself since my friends are bums and won’t go with me. Whatever. I’m done asking them. If they want to go, they know when the games are, and where I sit considering I sit in the same spot every game….

So, that’s it for now. Got to get ready for the game.


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February 9, 2008

yeah work sux, but what can we do about it. Good Luck.