Day off

Xerxes is driving me insane. He’s been way naughty lately… I don’t know what the deal is. He’s been biting… not listening… ugh… it’s frustrating me.

I had to take my brother to the airport in Omaha today so I didn’t go into my second job. Which is fine. I don’t have that much dictation to do anyways… so I’m just going to go in a bit early tomorrow to get it finished up. So, Xerxes and I have been bumming around since I have the day off now. I was going to take him on the car ride with me but since he was being so naughty I just left him home. Right now he’s laying next to me on the couch. He keeps trying to get on my lap but my lap top is in my lap so he’s been trying to climb on the lap top which is irritating me even more.

I had lunch with Amy today. I hadn’t seen her for awhile due to my crazy work schedule. So, it was nice seeing her. Besides from me being really tired it was good.

I have this cough that will NOT go away. It’s rather annoying… and it keeps me up at night. UGH. I don’t feel sick, but just have the annoying cough.

Hockey games are this weekend… I’m rather excited. There’s one Friday and Saturday that I plan to go to. I think I’m probably going to be going by myself, but that’s ok. No different from any other time. It’s ok though… at least I get to watch Hockey 🙂

So, I’ve been feeling kinda down lately… not sure what the deal is. I’m always worried when I’d rather spend time by myself than with other people. I guess maybe I’m just irritated with some people in my life at the moment. I’m not a big fan of people coming in and out of my life… they are there for a couple weeks and then poof, they are gone… and then a couple weeks of nothing they start calling/texting wanting to pick up where we left off. It’s rather frustrating and I hate it. Either your IN my life or your not. I can’t deal with in and out. Does that make any sense?

Went to my aunts for a super bowl party… I don’t even think I watched like 2 minutes of the game. I didn’t even know the Giants won until I was on my way home and my cousin text me. I thought the game was already over by the time I had left. Oops. Oh well. I played cards with my cousin Katie, her boyfriend, and my cousin Chad’s girlfriend. It was fun. My cousin Rachel is kind of annoying. I was ready to pop her one. She is a spoiled rotten brat. UGH. When I have children I hope they aren’t like her. I love her to death, but sometimes she gets on my nerves. She demands all the attention to be on her. We were trying to concentrate on cards and she kept repeating the same thing OVER and OVER. I finally told her to shut it and quit saying that. And if she wants something she will whine and complain until her mom gives in and gives it to her. She doesn’t know what the word no means…. I believe in spanking your children. I’m not talking about beating your kids, I’m talking give them a good swat on the backside… enough to sting a little bit, but not hard enough to really hurt them. I was spanked as a child. I think some adults need a swift kick in the ass too. I think when a parent says no it should mean no and be no ands ifs or buts about it…. and if they don’t accept it the first time, give them a swat. I think parents give in too quickly and too easily. I know I probably come off as a hard ass, but after seeing my cousins whine about everything and watching my aunts and uncles giving in to them easily and seeing how much my cousins get away with, it irritates me.

Anyways, I think that’s enough ranting for now. I’m out.


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February 4, 2008

hello. i just saw you on the homepage. i wasn’t aware i had a girl. lol!

February 5, 2008

“I believe in spanking your children. I’m not talking about beating your kids, I’m talking give them a good swat on the backside… enough to sting a little bit, but not hard enough to really hurt them. I was spanked as a child. I think some adults need a swift kick in the ass too.” Oh god how I agree with you. Too many little bastards are running around doing as they chose b/c they have no fear

February 5, 2008

of repercussions. I got spanked as a child and didn’t turned out to be a serial killer, or anything else.