New Chapter in Life

So, this past weekend made me realize how thankful for my friends here that I have… Linsey (Loo Loo) and Amy in particular. It’s funny I didn’t see it until after I got back from Anna’s that I realized how much Anna and I have grown apart and how much Loo Loo and Amy mean to me. So, I guess the weekend wasn’t a total waste. At least something good came of it. It helped open my eyes to just how manipulative certain people can be and seeing them for their true colors finally. It took me long enough I think.

So, anyways, moving on from that, it’s not even worth writing about or pondering about anymore. I am rearranging my priorities. I have a top 5. 1) God. 2) Family 3) Xerxes 4) Hockey 5) Friends. I have deleted quite a few people off my contact list. It’s funny how when something bad happens it can make everything else blow up and become painfully clear. So, I have a shortened contact list at the moment, which is ok by me.

Poulas called me yesterday… I was at work so I wasn’t able to talk long. I thought something was wrong cause he called me kind of late. He said no everything was fine he just wanted to talk to me. So, I talked for like 5 minutes and told him that I was sorry I couldn’t talk that why didn’t he give mom a call. So, he hung up with me and called my mom. Apparently they talked for a good 45 minutes. His brother really irritates me… long story, but he’s starting to be retarded again towards Poulas and it pisses me off. Apparently his brother has been hanging out with this guy and Jurgis is calling Poulas a f***ing fag all the time and stuff… totally pisses me off. He’s his freakin’ brother… C’mon!! Jurgis will get what’s coming to him. I wish there were something I could do, but there’s nothing. It’s not like Jurgis has ever listened to me before, so why would he now?

I quit smoking on Monday. So, I haven’t had a smoke in 2 days. It’s been hard, but I’m stubborn and I want to not smoke… so, we’ll see how well I do. It’s funny how much of just a habit the routine is… I think that’s the worst part about it- I don’t know if it’s the nicotine I miss or just having something to do with my hands and mouth. I’m not quite sure. But, I’m trying to break the habits and I’ve been just chewing gum alot lately and not eating like I’ve heard alot of people do after quitting smoking. So, keep your fingers crossed ya’ll. I really want to kick this habit.

Anyways, I need to go- want to watch a movie before going to bed and it’s already almost midnight!!


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October 10, 2007

Oh I’m not a hooligan. However I apparently have a very sexy accent and voice, although I don’t make a big thing of it. Poulas is an interesting and exotic name.

October 10, 2007

Oh, well there are nicer parts of Britain than Norfolk; I assure you. With regard to accents; my Northern friends assure me that North England has different regional accents, but I can’t tell the difference. So I doubt I’d distinguish a Southern accent from a Minnesotan one! I do have Facebook and yes you’re very welcome to have a butcher’s*! *Cockney rhyming slang for “look”