BEWARE: Major potholes in Downtown

Yeah, so, I’m driving to Corner Pocket after work to meet a couple friends there… and I hit a HUGE pothole. My whole car shook. It was crazy. Thank goodness nothing happened to my car. They are horrible all throughout downtown… guess you can believe some things you read about in the newspaper!! 🙂 Oops.

So, I went to Corner for awhile, and watched them all shoot pool. It was good times. I didn’t personally shoot pool… just didn’t really feel like it. It was fun though. I got home a minute ago (about 1:15a). I’m tired, and will probably head to bed after this.

I’ve been reading Ged’s book he sent me via e-mail today. It’s really good!! I will give you some feedback… can’t promise how good of feedback it will be, but I will try. I really do like it though. I think you have talent. I’ve always envied people who are able to use different words to describe stuff that is so ordinary. In other words, I envy people who have a way with words. I’m just plain jane… nothing special about my vocabulary… at least that is everyday usage for me. And it’s got a good storyline… and it has me wanting to read more, and I’m not even halfway done. I’ve got roughly 150 more pages to read, but that shouldn’t take too long. I might have to read it twice maybe. We shall see.

Anyways, I’m going to get my hair permanently straighted on the 28th. She’s only charging me $45. So, that’s good. When I lived in South Carolina the lady was going to charge me $80ish. That would have been horrible… well, it was no surprise since a haircut was like $30 and I had way short hair back then. Would hate to see what someone with long hair had to pay. My hair is finally growing… seems like it’s taking forever. I notice it more when I actually take the time to straighten it myself. I can’t believe how long it’s got. I need to choose a different color though I think. I want to go dark brown, but, my hair won’t take it I don’t think. I should just go back to hibiscus and be done with it. My mom didn’t like it though… who cares what she thinks I should say… but I really care what my mom thinks… sometimes more than I probably should. It’s my life. Hmmmm… we shall see about that too.

There was something else I was going to write on here tonight… OH… I really need to move to the city. This living out in the boondocks is killin’ me. The drive at night seems to take forever… especially when you’re tired. Thank God I wasn’t drinking tonight. I would have probably fallen asleep at the wheel. Hopefully in the next year I can finally afford to move out of my parents house. All my medical bills should be paid off by then. I don’t have a car payment anymore (thank God)… all’s I pay right now is my student loan (which I found out that my parents are paying my brother’s student loan, and have been all along… and he’s making like $20 an hour… poor me making $10 something an hour… can see whose the special kid in this family… and no I’m not complaining… lol) and I pay for my car insurance, which I think I’m going to drop down to liability as soon as winter is over… that means it’ll be less a month. Woo Hoo… Not that I’m paying alot right now considering…. I think I pay like $77 a month. And my student loans only $108 something. And now that I have this part-time job for extra money. I think I’m going to put it all into savings and use it for my trip to South Carolina in June. I can’t wait for that!! I’m trying to drag my cousin Ryan into going with me. He seemed kinda interested when we were eating at Hu Hot the other night. I’ve missed having that kid around… he kinda got caught up in the wrong crowd and hasn’t been coming to family functions much anymore. His birthday is next weekend, and I’m taking him out to the Hockey game- if he decides to ever call me back…. UGH. I hate when people say they are going to call and never do. Whatever. I finally gave him my new number. Not many people have it, and I like it that way. I’m hard to get a hold of these days… if it’s that important, call my house man. I’m usually here.

Anyways, wow, this entry got longer than I planned on. I’m really not all that tired. And it’s 1:25a. Hmmm… I probably should be going to bed here soon. Xerxes will probably wake me up in an hour anyways to go outside. UGH. Then I’ll be up at 5:30 again to take him out and so on and so forth. It’s like having a baby. Even though I don’t get enough sleep because of him, I still want a baby… not necessarily right now, but sometime in the future. Lots of them… haha, I’m kidding. I don’t think I could handle alot of babies. My work is my birth control for now. It’s depressing seeing all these 16 year olds having babies… UGH. Actually, it’s not depressing, it’s frustrating and I want to take them outside and beat some sense into them. What the heck you having sex for when you aren’t smart enough to wear freakin’ condoms, or at least be on the pill… crap… stupid girls.

Anyways, on that note, I’m going to bed!!


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