Last thing

Check out the song “Last thing” by Diana Anaid. It’s GREAT!!

Anyways, I’m doing good. I start my new job on Monday. I’m gettin’ kinda excited. It’s going to suck not having so much free time, but hey, it’s more money in my bank account… plus, it’ll be my vacation money to go home for a week and a half. I’m excited for June!! 🙂

Yesterday was a horrible day at work. Just had a REALLY bad kid that we ended up transporting to Omaha. Poor thing!! 🙁 Wanted to cry. So, hopefully tonight won’t be anything like the last two days at work. I have the weekend off to regroup. Thank GOD!!

I know this is short, but I need to get going. Plus, I ran out of things to write about. I need some Hockey 🙂


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March 28, 2007

Diana Anaid? The Australian singer? Hey if thats the girl your thinking of, that is so bizarre!! I have seen her in concert a few times and I met her about 6 years ago.. My gosh.. How things come back when you least expect them too!!!