I feel like a broken record

Alright, so, I know I’ve been saying I’m going to update more often. HA. What have I been thinking? I always get on here, sign on, check notes, check favorites updates and then forget to write in my own. So, good luck next time eh?!

Things are ok. I’ve been getting trained in Labor and Delivery and I HATE it. It’s just too much for me. And although I think I’m getting the hang out everything, I still feel like I don’t know what I’m doing. My trainers think I understand, and leave me be for a long time and disappear. I don’t know where they go, or what they do, but it drives me nuts. I haven’t been to the NICU in almost 3 weeks, and I MISS it!! 🙁 I think I have 2 more weeks to be in L&D and then I think they’ll have me switching where I go. I can’t wait for that.

Been going to as many hockey games lately as I can. It’s been awesome!! We went to one Friday night. I can’t even describe how happy it makes me. I LOVE it!! There’s one on Wednesday I want to go to, just going to have to find someone to go with me. My brother and sister-in-law are coming that day, but not sure what time. Maybe they’d want to go. I’ll have to check.

Anyways, been talking to a guy who plays for the Sioux City Metros. He’s cool. But, he’s young. And he’s your typical 18 year old boy. Who knows. He was suppose to text me last night after his game in Des Moines, but he never did. Oh well. Figure I’ll let him contact me, but not wait around for him to. Ya know?

Poulas isn’t coming home for Thanksgiving. Kinda bummed about that. But, I won’t let him know that. Feels like he doesn’t care anymore sometimes. He was going to go to Canada (but that got canceled) for 2 weeks, but he can’t come here to be with his family for 5 days. That’s a load of crap!! I’m going through the pissed off, hurt, and not caring anymore stages. It’s really annoying me. Just wish I didn’t care so much sometimes. I’m disappointed, yes, and I need to get over it. No use crying over spilled milk now is there? (does that saying even apply here? Probably not, but I thought it sounded good). He likes to surprise us, so maybe he’ll show up anyways. I haven’t talked to him since Thursday, so I don’t know what’s going on. He changes his mind all the time. My thoughts? He isn’t coming.

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