New update

This may be short, I don’t know. Things are ok. My leg is feeling much better. I am now in the process of switching doctors. I refuse to go back to that doctor. So, I am going to see if Dr. Andrawis will take my stitches out for me, and then I will go to Dr. Daffer for my check ups. Have a couple more phone calls to make to make that whole thing possible. The more I hear about the jerk doctor the more angry I get. He’s a jerk to everyone. I swear someone should turn him in or whatever you do to get rid of a doctor. Word of mouth I guess is better than nothing. I would NEVER recommend him.

Despite having a nasty scar (or will have one) I’m doing ok. I think I’m over the shock, and denial part… and I’m coming to accept my situation. It still sucks, but hey, it’s life. It could have been worse… and my only hope right now is that I don’t get it again. I don’t want to be operated on again. That sucked badly. I hope to never feel that pain again.

My leg is healing nicely I think. I have 10 stitches total. 3 are internal stitches, that I’m assuming dissolve… while the other 7 have to be removed by the doctor. More pain. YAY. I’m totally excited for that (sarcasm). At least if I go to Dr. Andrawis he’ll make it a little more bearable for me.

People at work have been good to me. Thank goodness.

Well, I’m exhausted. It’s been a super long week, very stressful, and very strange… so, I think it’s time to go to bed now. 9p and I already wanna go to bed. Scary. Guess that’ll teach me for going to bed last night at 1:30a and waking up at 5:55a. UGH. I hate work sometimes.

Anyways, that’s all for now. Thanks again T for the note!! It was sweet… made me want to cry.


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