Sooooo tired

I got off work at 3 and then got home about 3:30 and crashed. I asked Stephanie to wake me up at 4:30, but she was playing a game of Volleyball with Jeff and his family (it’s ok, I’m not mad) and ended up sleeping until Steph text me around 6. I feel better… but didn’t mean to sleep that long… not that I have anything else better to do. I’m suppose to meet up with Megan later (she lives in Sioux Falls now) and apparently she wants to hit up the bar or something with her friend Josh. I can’t drink, so I might be the DD. I’m taking some antibiotics and I don’t think it’d be smart to drink while on those. UGH. Oh well… maybe it’s better that way. I don’t really feel much like drinkin’ anyways… maybe ’cause I’m exhausted.

My dad just asked me if I have a couple days off now… I’ve been working all week, and I get tomorrow off, and then go back on Tuesday. This patient asked me couple days ago if I ever get a day off.. lol.. it’s pretty bad when a patient asks you that!! Oh well.. I need the money, and it keeps me out of trouble.

This morning I woke up at 6 and wanted to crawl back into bed. Went and saw “Click” last night with Adam Sandler, and didn’t get home until 12 midnight… in bed by 12:30. I woke up freezing cold (the air wasn’t even on, neither was a fan)… and froze the entire day. I grabbed a baby blanket from work and was covering up with that, but nothing seemed to help. UGH. I hope I’m not coming down with a cold or anything. Maybe it’s the antibiotics I’m taking ‘causing all this weird stuff. I read the instructions/warning thing… but don’t remember what alot of the side effects are…. 5 more days of it though…

Work went kinda well today. It’d be nice if the other departments secretaries would do their own work. I ended up getting back from lunch and one of the nurses told me to go down to Newborn Nursery and help Charley. So, I got down there, and was getting this baby admitted, and I heard that the NICU got one from there (I was in the NICU) and I thought that was stupid to have me come down… ’cause as soon as I got that baby admitted, I was suppose to go back upstairs and admit the baby in NICU. I ended up admitting the baby in Newborn Nursery and then broke down 7 charts… all in 20 minutes… it would have taken Charley all day to do that. She doesn’t multi task very well… don’t get me wrong, I’m not the greatest, but COME ON… things start getting crazy and she freaks… and instead of spending that time she does on freaking, she could have been half done. I don’t even want to train in Labor and Delivery… that’s just ONE more place they will pull me when others aren’t doing their job. It was a busy day today… and there aren’t any really sick kids in the NICU…

Been trying to get a hold of my friend Will. He’s also in town from Mitchell (he lives here, but travels for his job)… and I probably won’t get to see him. Depends I guess. He’s not very good at calling anybody… so I wouldn’t be surprised if I don’t hear from him…

Anyways, that’s all for now. I’m going to go and maybe straighten my hair (not sure I have the energy to do that, but whatever).


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September 11, 2006

i have read back a few entries and am still unfortunately just as confused as i was when i started reading… ill read back more to get a gist of who and what you speak of, but i like your writing style, its amusing… thanks for the words, good to know im not alone in that one… but its been about 2 months… my friends are starting to get mad… better work on that…