Are you stalking me? ‘Cause that would be super

So, things are going pretty well still. No major breakdowns lately… lol. Been partyin’ alot, which I need to stop drinking. I don’t want to get into that lifestyle again, where I become dependent on alcohol. It’s just not good. So, I guess I’m going to try to chill on the drinking for a bit. I will still come visit Steph… but not drinking. I just can’t do it. The last couple parties have been fun… despite all the drama certain people bring to the situation…

I found a new band I have become obsessed with. The band is “Eli Young Band” it’s great… country/rock. Good stuff. I ordered their CD from Barnes and Noble. I think they’ve been around for awhile. You can find them on myspace. GREAT music!! I would recommend checking them out. The song “So Close Now” rings close to home for me. And the music is wonderful. Relaxing.

Anyways, I work til Friday starting tomorrow. I work the 7a-3p shift. Good shift… and then I have the weekend off. Steph is suppose to be having a party, that I might make an appearance at… we’re going to try to have one out at my house when my parents go out of town.. depending on if I go with them. I’m still not sure what’s going on yet. So, we shall see. People are strictly to be outside or in the garage… no going inside unless you have to pee, and I will go with. So, there will be rules. My parents would absolutely KILL me if anything happened here. So, we shall see.

Anyways, work is going good. I don’t want to train in Labor and Delivery, but I have to. Not sure when that is taking place… until then, I am happy to be working in the NICU. I had to work Mom/Baby one day last week, and that sucked… but I ended up in the NICU to help admit a baby up there. So, whatever. I like the NICU. I wish I could be up there permanently… but they don’t work that way at the hospital. UGH.

Poulas called this morning… I think he called my mom… but mom ended up giving me the phone and told me to wake up and answer the phone. Talked for a few minutes. He’s going to go house/apartment hunting today when he got off work. I need to call him in awhile and see what he found or if he even went. I miss him. But, I’m not dwelling on him anymore. It’s weird… I still can’t imagine him not being in my life… heck, I can’t even remember my life before he was in it. Feels like he was always in it.

Anyways, that’s all for now. Bones will be on in a few…


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August 30, 2006

Hellooooooooooooo!! Long time, no notes!!!! đŸ˜‰ Hope things are going well!!! Just popped in to say hi and see how things are!!! Keep me posted girl!!!!