RIP Charlie

Well, dad died this morning around 4 a.m. Poulas called me at 4:30 to tell me and I said I’d be right there. I woke mom up and told her what happened and that I was going down there. She wanted to go too, and I told her we’d drive separate cars because I planned on staying down here tonight. So, we left around 5 and got here at 7. Got her as quick as we could. It’s been a super long day, and a sad one at that. I can’t believe Charlie is gone. It’s strange. I can just see him in my head… I won’t forget the last thing he told me, “You guys take care of each other.” I will stick to that promise. Poulas is doing as well as can be expected. What does that mean though? You hear it all the time… actually, he’s doing horrible. I hope things will settle down. Jurgis and his wife and child should be here sometime tonight or in the early morning. Jurgis is a mess I guess. UGH. More drama coming up!! I’m so not lookin’ forward to meeting him. He’s an asshole. Maybe he’ll be different in person, I don’t know. I sure as hell hope so. Poulas doesn’t need to deal with his crap right now. He has too much other stuff going on. So, things are a little crappy right now…. more than crappy actually. Just downright sucks and it’s unfair and it’s painful. Yeah, he wasn’t my dad but I can imagine how Poulas is feeling.

Anyways, that’s all for now. I will write more later when I return to my parents house.


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December 16, 2005

I am sorry to hear about Poulas and your terrible loss.. My hopes and wishes are with you both.. xo ~T