
I hope y’all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Mine was pretty decent. Started out kinda bad, but it turned out to be a good one!! Poulas woke up crabby and yelled at me a bit, and then a couple minutes later asked me to go get him some coffee (in the way that he always asks me to get coffee)… and I told him after the way he talked to me a little bit ago there was no way in heck I was going to get him some coffee… so, he just looked at me with this sad expression on his face and then rolled over. Rina came down wanting to go to the hospital at that time, so I grabbed my keys and my purse and we headed over there. Got about 5 minutes from the house and Poulas called me. I wasn’t going to answer ’cause I was still kinda pissed off that he was talkin’ to me like he was, but I ended up answering and he ended up apologizing and then saying that he was going to head over to the hospital in a bit. We got to the hospital, and dad was fixin’ to eat, and he told us to leave after about 20 minutes or so, so we packed up and walked to the car. Got to the car and my phone rings again. It’s Poulas. He asked where we were. I said we were fixin’ to leave the hospital. He said he called dad’s room and nobody answered. I then gave the phone to Rina and she told him we were going to her nieces and to meet us there. He said ok. We ended up going to the grocery store, and then headed to her nieces. We got there and shortly later Poulas showed up. He stayed for about 15 minutes and then up and left. He called me shortly later and I asked where he went. He said to the store but they were closed and that he was going to go check on dad. So, he was gone for awhile, and then came back. He left me alone with his step mom’s side of the family. I was pissed at first, but they were pretty nice. He said everyone kept referring to me as his girlfriend… and he didn’t have the heart to set them straight. About broke my heart. Oh well. Such is life. We ate, and then they sang Happy Birthday to him and so on and so forth. We then left a couple hours later to go to Sioux City to my Grandparents house. Didn’t talk much on the 2 hour drive there, but it wasn’t uncomfortable silence really. Got to my grandparents and had a blast. They talked about going shopping in the morning, and of course, Poulas wanted to stay then, “as long as I get to go shopping in the morning.” It’s kinda funny, because he was asking me if that was ok if he went shopping in the morning. Cracks me up. He asks for my permission for everything it seems like. It’s kinda sweet though. I’m not complaining, I just think it’s kinda funny. 🙂 So, I said that was fine, and we drove to my parents house to stay the night. He was kinda all lovely dovey and it was starting to freak me out. I don’t know what got into him… but he kept messing with me and I told him he’d best stop before it was too late…. lol… should have told him he better not start something he can’t/won’t finish. That would have been hilarious. We wrestled a little bit, and he was flailing his arms around a bit and I told him he’d better not jack me in the nose, and then he proceeded to send a fist to my jaw… I got pissed off (he didn’t even realize it… he had drank a little and took some Benadryl earlier… bad combo)… and I ended up going to sleep on the couch in the living room. I guess later that night he ended up going out to sleep on the other couch. I asked him why and he said he didn’t know. I then said that he missed me and wanted to sleep nearer to me. It’s funny. My sister-in-law kept calling him my Husband last night… he heard too… it was kinda funny. Everyone I think is rooting for us to get married, but I’m not sure if it’ll ever happen. Some days I wonder. Sometimes I wonder if people know something I don’t know by what they say. It just all seems strange what they say sometimes… kinda like when someone knows something and it’s a secret, and the more you try to hide it the more obvious things become… unless it’s just my imagination. Today we had a conversation about how men propose and when and stuff. I don’t want something tradtional- like proposing on Valentine’s Day or New Years Eve or anything like that. I want it to be totally random. Like a random Tuesday of say like May or something…. ya know? Something not of the norm. I mean c’mon… I’m sorry for the people who like that kind of stuff and think that’s romantic and whatnot… I guess I just don’t think it’s that special when ya do it on a Holiday. I want my man to propose to me on a Tuesday in May at 3:26 p.m. That’s how I want it done. RANDOM…..

Anyways, so, that paragraph got kinda long. I’ve been trying to cut the paragraphs up because it’s hard to read sometimes and you lose your place easier in longer paragraphs… yeah, so I just spent like 4 sentences talkin’ about dang paragraphs.

Anyways, so, back to my Thanksgiving experience this year. We woke up this morning about 8a.m…. my parents woke us up to eat. We ate, and then Poulas and I laid back in the bed and started to fall asleep… my dad came in and woke us up again to get ready. I tried waking Poulas up to take a shower first so I could catch some more ZzZz’s… but he had the same idea and then stated he wasn’t going to take a shower (bum)…. so, I ended up saying screw it and took a shower… and he never did take a shower. So, we both got ready to go SHOPPING. I absolutely HATE shopping mind you… I know, not your typical girly girl, eh? That’s me 🙂 So, we went out to get in the car to find out we have a flat tire… NICE… something bad always happens when we go to my parents. I don’t know what it is… and it’s just with his cars… I don’t know…. so, my dad said he’d fix it when we got done shopping. So, we went to Shopko, Sheels, Sears, and Best Buy…. then went to eat at McDonald’s and then went back to the house. My dad and Poulas fixed the tire, and we were on out way back to Bellevue. We were going to go back to Sioux City tonight to take another tire to my dad to fix, but ended up staying here. We are going to get up early tomorrow and take Rina to the hospital to see dad and then we are going to head back to Sioux City. We are celebrating Aj’s (my sister-in-law) birthday tomorrow…. so, that’s the plan. And dad is going to fix another tire for Poulas. So, yay for my dad 🙂 He’s been sooooo great to Poulas. I’m proud of him. I never imagined my dad would be so accepting of someone… especially one of my friends. I don’t think he’s ever been this good to one of my friends. It’s amazing. I’m really proud… I really am. He’s the greatest. He has changed ALOT since he quit that crappy job at Wilson’s. He’s happier I think. He’s mellowed out quite a bit.. and he’s actually quite fun to be around anymore. 🙂 He got super cool!!

So, my brother and Poulas were kinda chumming around today. When Poulas wasn’t stuck to me while shopping he was stuck to my brother or my dad. It was hilarious. He’s seemed to have taken a liken to my family, which is a good thing. So, I’m glad for that. My brother has been a good sport and I’m also impressed with him. I’m glad they have taken the time to get Poulas and see past reputation and stuff. 🙂 YAY for my family. I’m just in a super good mood tonight. Don’t know what’s going on. I guess you could say I am happy and content. There are a few things I would like to change, but I can’t change things that are out of my control.

Anyways, I am

going to go. This has gotten way long and frankly, I’m tired of typing at the moment. 🙂


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