
Been listening to new music lately.  I find that a lot of it seems to be in line with the moods i have been in and It really helps.  I have shared some of the lyrics here.  I have also started re-reading C.S. Lewis.  I read A Greif Observed, and now am attempting to tackle the Problem of Pain again.  I really like it but it is soooooo intellectual. I need a dictionary to read a lot of it, becuse my vocabulary just isn’t what it should be.  Atleast, Lewis’s vocab is much greater than mine.  But I still like it.  I feel like my brain is getting a workout.  And I jsut wat to share it with people.   I will probably start posting my favorite passages here in a few days.  But for now I will leave my postings at what they are…  Life is really weird right now.   Lots of really happy times and fun with friends (certian ones in particular) but also times of accute stress and misery.  I have had a few days now where I have come really close to melting down in minutes.  That doesn’t really happen with me much on a job, so it always makes me re-evaluate why I do what I do.  Infact, someone asked me that today. Why is it that I do what I do.  I think it is because I can’t seem to picture myself doing anything else.  But more than that, I am truely happy at times.  I think it is the same as a serious relationship.  There are times that you throw up your hands and wish for anyway to get out of it.  But then there are those totally happy times when you are completly in love and in the moment and you can’t picture yourself being with anyone else in the world.  It is the same with this.  I want out at times, but when I am not on a job I feel incomplete.  Oh well.  If I tell myslf that perhaps I can get through the mess that is this week’s opening.  Wish me Luck!

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