I really need to get back to this

Wow.  So I really need to start writing in here again.  I have let it slip away from me for like the last few years, and I have just spent the last hour re-reading my entries and realizing that this diary did help me a bit.  And I don’t mean just in terms of talking about my problems or feelings or anything, but also in having some sort of creative outlet. We will see if I am able to keep up with this like I have now decided I want to.  🙂

So,  a lot has happened.  I am still working for the Bucks.  I still like it.  My store is a little weird right now becasue we are on out 3rd manager in 6 months.  But I still like the people and the work and the company so that is really good. 

I just got a new Stage management job in LA.  It is HUGE!  I will be making close to scale for about 17 weeks.  I have never made that much  for that long before.  It will really help me financially and  in my carreer.  This is a great next step to get me out of the comfort zones I have created. 

I have been battleing depression a bit lately.  I am not really sure why.  I think it has partly to do with the fact that I am not working as much during the weekdays, so i am at home alone while all of my friends are at work.  And it is really easy to get depressed when you are alone.  That is what I think anyway.  My life is a rut.  I know I need to get out, but sometiems I don’t want to.  How horrible to enjoy stagnation.  Maybe it is a bit of self loathing that causes it.  I am not even sure.  This all sounds really dramatic.  I appologize.  I think I will go and smoke.


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