cars and bunnies.

in the past week my dog has stumbled upon a nest of baby bunnies. he proceeded to capture one and bring it into the house to play.  thor, a min pin, was originally bred (sp?) for rat hunting in germany. so you can imagine my worry when i hear a squealing 3 week old rabit running rampant in my home.  so i found the poor thing, wrapped it in a towel unsure if touching it would cause it’s mother to abandon it, and returned it to his/her home in our backyard.  it’s been a few days since then, and every day my dog stumbles upon one of the innocent little creatures and picks it up in his mouth, carrying it around the yard while it squeals helplessly.  i feel bad, they are so freaking cute.  hopefully they will be weaned of their mother soon and leave our yard as many bunnies before have.  we are very lucky you see, our backyard is not only large, but has numerous bumps and dips…perfect places for momma bunnies to build their nests.  anyway, my dog is having a grand time chasing them around, and i can’t wait for them to move on to adulthood so i don’t have to hear their pitiful squealing or keep rescuing them from the clutches of the oh-so-ferocious thor.

in other news, i should be (finally) getting my license in the next few weeks.  so my mother and i went car shopping yesterday.  i’ve always wanted a VW beetle, so we went to the VW dealership.  turns out that a new one is a little out of my mom’s price range (as are nearly all cars because she’s cheap.)  so we went to the saturn dealership and looked into an ion.  that was a little better (and quite cute), but also still a little expensive.  while we were there my mom priced a skyy…because she really wants one.  they had this gorgeous red one on the lot, and she sat in it.  i didn’t think she would get out and we’d HAVE to go home with it.  but alas, it was 36K…that we don’t have.  sexy car though really.  last but not least we visited the ford dealership and looked at an ’08 focus.  that’s probably what i’m going to end up with…not my first choice, but we can get z-plan (my uncle is a retired ford employee), and they are a fairly cute and safe car (zachary happens to drive an ’04).  if that is what i get, i want to get it in the aqua blue color…beccause that’s just fun.

so i should be driving just in time to start back to school on september 4th…four days a week. eck.  i wish i could just be done with my degree so i can write america’s next great novel and make millions of dollars, only to get married and be a housewife and momma to two babies. 🙂

i guess that’s it for now.  zachary should be here soon to pick me up on his harley and we’re off to downtown wyandotte for our usual coffee with friends.

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I like the Focus… you should be glad you are getting a NEW car… I had to pay for my own first car, and it certainly wasn’t new… But I loved it then I love it now and wish I still had it.