[[110]] shiny things in the near future.

so, zachary has been doing this thing lately.  and i am getting excited about it.  about once a week he mentions that he wants to buy me a ring for my birthday (october 27) or christmas.  🙂 it’s not an engagement persay, but more of a promise to be committed to each other until we have the means to get the fuck out of michigan. either way, it means i get a real shiny rock on my finger and men will just have to accept that i’m taken.

zachary’s mom recently came into town.  it was so nice to see her.  she really wanted me to go to church with her on sunday, but i couldn’t because i had to work. 🙁  i really enjoy spending time with her and i know that when zachary do get around to marriage and children, she will be a rockin’ mother in law and grandmother.

i’m kind of looking forward to going back to school in the fall for a few reasons.  one, i’ll finally have a car (my parents are leasing me a brand new one) either a mini cooper or a vw beetle. two, i’ll be working less hours because i have to go four days a week to take the classes i need.  also, it makes me one semester closer to getting the fuck out of my house. lol.  not that i mind living with my parents, they pretty much give me as much freedom as i need, but i’m tired of having to deal with them at the same time.  i’m seriously aching to get my own apartment and have my own things and do what i want to do…but since they are paying for college, i’m staying. hah.

i’ve been having some major writer’s block lately.  i have all these ideas in my head, but i can’t seem to get them on paper.  my fingers are itching to write…but i just can’t come up with anything that sounds right or good for that matter. it sucks, because as a person who plans on making a living off of my writing…i can’t have writer’s block.

…i gues that’s my update for now…just a couple random things on my mind on the moment. i’m going to go indulge in some chocolate oreos and reality television while i wait for zachary to finish fixing the clutch on his oh fo fo-fo (’04 focus).

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