[[103]] i guess i’m pretty pimp.

i had the best weekend ever.

on friday, i went to work from noon to 4:30 and then got ready to go out.  zachary picked me up after he got out of work and we went to his house so he could change and of course we had sex.  i’m telling you sex with him lately has been amazing.  my orgasms with him are so incredibly intense and he knows just the right spots to hit to get me there. when i was with fredi, i had orgasms, but only rarely and only because i helped myself get there.  this is quite the opposite.  anyway, after that noise we went to a house party at his friend’s house.  now, we’ve been to keggers there before and i’m telling you, i’ve never had this much fun.  normally i stick pretty close to zachary  but i was feeling quite social on friday, so i let zachary do what he wanted to do because the party was for his cousin caleb who is leaving for germany today (he’s in the army).  anyway, i had zach make me a jack and coke since i don’t really like beer unless it’s budweiser.  so i drank that one, and i was a bit buzzed but not quite enough, so i had another.  i mainly hung out with two of zachary’s female friends, one of whom is his ex, and we had an amazing time being sloppy drunks.  at one point, all three of us crammed into the one tiny bathroom together to have a group tinkle and i spilled one of the girls beers all over the floor. woops, of course, that was after my third jack and coke which was probably a lot more jack than coke. lol. what can i say, i drink like a man.

the only drawback to friday night was that there were these two guys that nobody really knew at the party who were hitting on all the girls.  now, these parties are fairly evenly mixed of girls and guys, because generally the guys are very respectful of the girls, especially if the girls are with their boyfriends.  anyway, these two guys decided it would be a good idea to hit on me even though my boyfriend is one of the biggest and meanest guys at the party and i told them this.  so they keep hitting on me and hitting on me and i keep telling them that zachary is going to hit them if i tell him what’s going on.  it eventually got to the point where not only was i drunk, but i was uncomfortable and wanted to go home.  so zachary took me home and went back to the party.  apparently he gave the two guys a piece of his mind when he got back. i love that he protects me the way he does.

so saturday i wake up with a ginormous hangover and go to work again from noon to 4:30.  zachary picked me up after he got out of work and we did our usual go back to his place and have awesome sex.  then we went to the hospital to visit his grandpa who has been there for about two months now.  he’s finally starting to look better and zachary’s mom was there visiting too.  she came up from florida because zachary’s grandpa was having another surgery.  anyway, we visited them for a bit and then went to zorba’s for some dinner.  i had a greek salad and onion rings. mmmmm.  after dinner, we went to zachary’s cousin matthew’s to meet up before we went to the bar.  then of course we went to the bar.  now, most of us are underage, but we can all get in and drink because zachary is friends with the bartender.  still feeling kind of icky from friday, i only had one beer and two cosmopolitan’s and then i decided i was done for the night.  i eventually realized that i was the only girl that came that night, and i even have a pimp picture to prove it.

(from left to right starting at the top: matthew, kurt, caleb, zachary, me, nick and fabris)

how sweet do i look? lol. 

anyway, we had to leave the bar early because some stupid guys decided to start messing with people’s cars and the police were on their way, obvioiusly with most of us being underage it was a good idea if we left.  apparently we weren’t done partying yet and another one of zachary’s friends was having some people over so we left the bar and went there.  i was pretty tired and really just done with the partying so i just stood around.  plus the people there were extremely intoxicated and obnoxious.  this one couple was married and had their baby with them.  mind you, they were both drunk, it was 2am and the baby was still awake and playing with a beer bottle. i was disgusted.  zachary and his uncle left to get some coke, and they returned with taco bell, beer and no coke.  so they left again and then came back and ate their t-bell.  by this point, i was extremely cranky, and zachary could tell so we left and went  back to his place since i was staying with him.

by the time we got there, i was exhausted, so i just stripped off my clothes and collapsed into the bed.  i’m not sure when zachary joined me, but i woke up at five am to his penis poking me in the butt, so i took care of it for him.  lol. 

we got up at 9:30 on sunday and went to church with his mom.  we couldn’t stay for the whole service because i had to work at noon again, but the part we did stay for was nice.  i’m not religious, but zachary and his mom are very much so, and he appreciates it when i go to church with him.  i figure it’s better to be open minded about it than have his family not like me because i won’t go. 

anyway, after that i worked all day and came home and slept.  it was an amazing weekend though. although i’m pretty sure being in florida for ten days starting this friday is going to be about ten times as awesome. 🙂

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April 23, 2007

zachary does look like the toughest dude there. … you enjoy penis poking you in the butt? thats nice :^)