[[95]] time.

i just don’t have the time to update anymore 🙁

last week was spring break. on saturday zachary and i went to his aunt’s house for his cousin’s birthday. i didn’t drink a whole lot but it was a ton of fun. his aunt is so hilarious.

i don’t remember what happened on sunday…

on monday, i got a job. i started work at a family dollar near my house (litteraly i can walk there) and it’s allright. my boss is a squat woman in her late forties and she dies her hair obnoxious red and teases it at least 3 inches off of her head. she’s kind of anal and annoying, but whatever. i’m just a cashier but i have to stock shelves and stuff while i’m doing that, so i don’t really have time to sit down ever. oh well, money is money.

a lot of the rest of the week was spent working and hanging out with zachary having really great sex. lol. on friday and saturday his friend decided to have a 2-part kegger. i’m not really a beer drinker so i drank jack and coke instead. saturday i got a little too drunk and had a pretty bad hangover, luckily zachary did too so we just layed in bed all night on sunday and chilled. it was so nice. i like falling asleep with his arms around me.

this week i went back to school and am still working. it’s a little more than i’m used to and i’m definetely going to have to start managing time a little better if i ever want to do my homework. i’m sure i’ll figure it out though.

tonight i may go get another tattoo. i’m not sure though. it depends. lol.

aaaand after easter my mom is actually letting me fly to florida for a long weekend with zachary to visit his mom. it should be fun because i’ve never flown anywhere in my life, and it’s florida. lol. i’m excited.

i guess that’s all for now. i’m sure i’ll update in another two weeks or so…

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