[[94]] josh groban concert.

last night my mom and i had tickets to see josh groban at the palace of auburn hills. we saw him on his last tour at the fox, so you can tell he’s gotten a lot more populare since then.

anyway, we got there early because we planned on going out to dinner. however, we couldn’t find any restaurants nearby and went to park instead. we got a pretty good spot and went in. they made us take the camera back out to the car (which i think is silly because i know i saw camera flashes going off during the show). we still had a lot of time to kill, so we went and got t-shirts, a poster and a program, and then got food at the buffalo wild wings inside the palace.

when we got to our seats, we were at the opposite end of the venue, directly across from the stage. first level seats (there are two levels of seating…actually three: floor first level, and balcony). our seats were 9 and 10 right on the isle. pretty good for what we paid.

so the showe started and the opening band was from south africa. of course, i couldn’t really pay attention to their performance because the blond girl behind me had an annoying valley girl voice with a canadian accent and she would not stop talking. everyone was getting annoyed with her. after the south african band’s set, we had to endure about 30 minutes of blonde girl’s commentary before i finally turned around and asked her to shut up, rather annoyed. and she did.

josh’s performance was absolutely phenomenol. of course, the violinist lucia micarelli was there. at the last tour she played a solo where she played the classical piece nocturne and then broke into queen’s bohemian rhapsody. this time she played a classical piece i didn’t recognize and then played led zepplin’s kashmir. wowza. about the time she finished, i noticed the spotlight flash back to my seats. so i turned around and josh was standing no less then two feet away from me. i urged my mom to turn around. oh my god. i think i actually peed a little from the excitement. he started singing one of his songs, and began to walk down the steps towards my seat. i touched his hand, and my mom got to hold his hand before he moved on. wow. that moment was so surreal for me. not only because he is a gorgeous piece of man, but because i never thought in a million years i would be close enough to actually touch his hand. and the fact that he came into the area where most fans can barely see him on the stage, shows how much he truly cares about his audience. what a fine fine man. and i do mean fiiiiiiiine. lol.

anyway, after the show my mother and i drove home, i called zachary and told him about the exciting news, but he didn’t find it nearly as exciting as i did. 🙁 i believe his exact words were “if i had to sit through three hours of that, i would be projectile vomitting.” oh well, so he can’t appreciate my finer musical tastes.

when we got home, my mom and i shared a tiny bottle of godiva liquor. it was quite yummy, and i was surprised she let me drink alcohol even though i’m underaged because usually she’s very stingy about those things.

today has been fairly uneventful. i got a job at family dollar (a discount store by my house) and i start on monday. i really don’t want to work there, but i need experience from somewhere if i want to get a better job i guess. blegh. plus it’s close which means i don’t have to have someone drive me because i don’t have my license or a car. yes, i know that i’m 19 and don’t drive. i hate driving. love cars. hate driving. i crash them. lol.

tonight (actually in about 15 minutes) i’m going to zachary’s aunts to celebrate his cousin’s 23rd birthday. his aunt is fairly young (and not his cousin’s mother), so she lets us get drunk and party with her fairly often. i must say, i’ve learned that i’m pretty damn good at holding my liquor, for a really tiny girl. most girls my size would probably puke with how much i can throw back, lol. i think the last time we drank i had 3 budweisers, a cosmopolitan (we were at a bar), a manhatten apple shot, and a white russian. wowza.

i’m just hoping that having a job doesn’t take too much away from my social life. school isn’t a problem because i only go two days a week and it’s during the time that most of the people i hang out with are at work anyway. but if i get a job, then my schedule might interfere with my boyfriend time, and i have a definete proble with that. it doesn’t help that he lives almost 30 minutes away either, not exactly easy to do since i don’t drive. maybe i should do that. eh. that’s another whole entry for you right there. this one is long enough anyway.

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February 24, 2007

wow, that is a lot. and apparently, talking to my mom, it’s not about how much you weight, or what size you are, but how much of the enzyme you have that digests alcohol. you are sooo lucky. i love josh groban. i made Sasha a copy of his CD Closer, and he called me and left a message saying how much he loves it. made me like him a little more 🙂 *hugs* me.

March 1, 2007

ryn: yeah, I know. I’ll be careful 🙂 His age really isn’t going to stop me, he’s more protective than manipulative.