He’s 10 Months Old


We took this picture this morning after breakfast during a game of "where’s mommy?" Think peek a boo. This seems to be his favorite game lately. But the phrase peek a boo seems to be lost on him, and he is much more entertained by "where’s Ian?," or whoever he is playing with. That look on his face was caught looking over the couch when he found me. The thought that one day he will no longer want to play these games with me brings tears to my eyes. So, I will cherish them now. 

His appointment this afternoon was not pleasant, but not nearly as torturous as the other tests. When the technician first put the wand and gel on him, I thought it was going to be a cake walk because he was entertained that it tickles and proceeded to laugh adorably. But as soon as it dawned on him that she wasn’t going to stop, and she wasn’t going to let him touch the wand, and that she was going to turn his mommy against him he wanted nothing to do with it. I know he wasn’t in any pain, but his feelings were really hurt that I held him down, again. It was so draining. Over all the cysts in his kidney look bigger in my opinion and the technician freaked me out by asking if the doctors told us his kidney was small? I knew that the other one was larger to compensate, but they never indicated anything about it being small. I’m trying really hard not to google. They said we will have the results in 2 days. I am trying really hard not to get worked up over it, but honestly, I have no drive after this. I hate what this means for the rest of his life and I hate the tests. I’m sure he hates them more than me. Tomorrow I take his urine sample in to find out where the bacteria stands. S

So his stats are as follows;

He is 22.4 pounds and 30 inches long. 

He now has 6 teeth. 

His language hasn’t broadened anymore than the 5 words he already had, but he is now carrying on with babbling syllables with different levels and hand gestures like he is trying to really get his point across. He now sometimes asks for me in question form with his hands out at his sides. It melts my heart!!!!

When he gets angry, you know it. 

He now claps at appropriate moments. Every time someone says Yay, he follows it with clapping hands and a sound that mimics yay. He claps as soon as music comes on and when he hears people laughing. 

He is attempting to stand independently and can pull it off for a few seconds. His balance is developing so well that he can stand with his belly or side against something and reach down to the floor to grab an item and comes up without missing a beat. 

When playing "where’s Ian?," he is perfectly coordinated to pull his own blanket on and off of his face. While the blanket is over his face he giggles with pure excitement and what my reaction will be when he reveals himself. 

He likes to play video games. He will actually sit on the floor below the TV with the controller in his hand and watch the changes in the screen at what buttons his fingers are pushing. 

I can’t remember the last time he ate real baby food. He loves chicken, beans, string cheese, vienna sausages, apples, strawberries, watermelon, carrots, sandwich meat, buttered toast, dry cereal. He wants to try everything we have and likely will eat it. He comes to me every time I am eating and smacks his lips to express that he is hungry. 

He has finally mastered the sippy cup which is a huge relief to me! He loves to drink water both from his cup and directly from the water bottle. He doesn’t seem to like juice too much unless it is white grape. I can’t be mad that he knows what he likes. 

And this is my son in a nut shell. 

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July 18, 2012

He’s such a handsome little guy and seems to be doing so well. DO NOT GOOGLE!!

July 18, 2012

He’s such a cutie-pie! 🙂 *HUGS*…for being such a good Mommie and doing everything that is best for him; even when it breaks your heart to do so. 🙁 Praying for his results to come back with an encouraging word….Michael

July 18, 2012

cant even believe how big he is! definitely DONT google. headaches become brain tumors when you google.

July 20, 2012

He is too freaking cute. I loved that video you posted of him as a wheelbarrow. haha. I am praying the results are good. You have been in my thoughts and I was actually just thinking today about you and how his test went. Can’t believe our babies are going to be one in just a couple months!