Perfect..well almost.

Well, The past days couple of days have been very uneventful. Expect Jo and me have had these long conversations on the phone every night. And, on Wedensday he told me he needed to tell me something, and well..He asked me to be his girlfriend. I don’t think I have ever smiled that much in my life. I was really flattered. And he told me he loved me. I knew that..I mean he told it to me before, but somehow the way he said it …It was just..soo..different. So, of course I said yes. And at the moment I couldn’t be happier. He always makes me smile and laugh. When I’m around him I’m never sad or depressed. It’s just perfect! Well….almost…

Liz though, is still going through her thing with Chris and getting over him. I feel so bad, haveing someone to love and laugh with. And she doesn’t. I am determind to help her be happy and find someone. I will do it! I want her to be happy! And she’s just..still in boy crazy world..*sigh* One day..I just have to remember one day she’ll get over this..



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June 10, 2005

RYN: thanks for the note. i know things’ll get better. it’s just a question of when? congrats with you and jo. and about your friend, liz. she’ll come around. it’s always a wonderful thing to be a good friend. just be sure not to push her into anything. that’s the worst thing you can do. just be there for her when she needs a shoulder to cry on and leave the rest to fate. toodles! ttyl.

Some people get over it, some don’t, some just take longer. People try to find ‘completeness’ in others, rather than first being satisfied with themself *shrug* Sure it’s human nature to want companionship, and nothing’s wrong with that. But self-insecurity can drive a person into desperately searching for someone to ‘make’ them happy = But ahh, young love ^_^

And hey, you should write some of your dreams down here. I luv reading them. I converted all my old hundreds of entries to private, to ‘start anew’ as well. It’s certainly not the first time I’ve done that either… and probably won’t be the last ^.^

June 10, 2005

thanks for the comforting words. i really do hope things take care of themselves. well…i know they won’t just go away but i pray that, with time, things’ll be ok again. oh well…ttyl!