
Well, one thing is for certain, I can not say that this weekend was boring.   I forgot almost that Bridge was going to be at the Wheel’s house rather than Nor’s so needless to say I scrambled to get in the right direction from the get go.  While there I learn that someone I am fond of, and have great respect for is losing his battle with the big C.  Between that and dealing with a week old issue I just went outside to cool off and ended up having a fairly productive talk.  I am not as confused or feeling that I do lack respect at least for that time being.  Who knows now….

So after leaving the Bridge Boys very late I get home and have to settle back down before going to bed, this weekend was not conducive to sleep I will say that much I woke earlier than usual for the time I got to bed and started upfront in preparing for the game.  One of my favorite dresses for special occasions (as this was the Halloween Ball at AIT) has a stuck zipper and I do not know how to fix it.  Ugh.. anyone know a trick for a stuck zipper?  I have tried:  soap, WD-40, freezing, pliers and brute force.  I ended up having to wear something else, I didnt look bad I dont think..

So, between that, making some wings (which I never did wear) and killing my hair with temporary dye I finally get my lazy butt on the road, making phone calls, getting some dinner and generally gearing up for a long night ahead. 

Oh and what a night!!!  The night started strange in helping ladies with costuming and quickly regenerated.  Now, I know AIT is a generally adult game but nudity is going too far, what if someone new was offended?  Several new players showed up as well as a great deal of older players that I am not familiar with.  Granted it was great seeing almost 60 people at the game and it really makes me smile.  Some costumes were just out of this world and I enjoyed seeing it.  But some people are willing to take any dare and well, you dont dare a porn star to run around in just a coat.. and that is just what happened.  Nothing wrong with skimpy as long as it covers the bits… really.

Between nudity, bad jokes and generally me being confused and mortified that game degenerated fast.  Was not bad from a RP standpoint but I was so confused personally most of the time I didnt really get as much done In Character as I had wished.  I seemed to betaking more RP breaks than usual and started talking to people and in particular one person whom I had had very little contact in the past.. lets call him.. Saran.. yeah it fits as we shall see in a little bit.  Now during the course of the night the MaDScientist bails on the plans we had made for after the game in seeing the RHSC and La Cucaracha.. so well now what am I going to do.  I had been talking with Saran and during the cleaning up phase of the game we fell into a fairly good conversation and sat on the floor for a while just bullshitting, well not really bullshit but you get the point.. so decided to go over to his place and keep talking.  I admit there were kisses, but nothing that would not be concidered over a PG rating.  But, I oopsed in forgetting some details and advised discression but found out that was ignored.

I understand friendships but when certain things happen its none of my business what friend is saying to love interest and not their business what I am doing with my life.  Especially after I explain that I value my privacy and the privacy of others.  GRRRRR….


Okay thats over.. but I went home and Saran and I made plans for dinner.  So after hanging out with RHSC, La Cucaracha and Flakes as well as MS I come back home and immediately go to dinner with Saran.  Gods I dont want to know what friends do with other friends, I am not that affectianate and do not need to hold hands, kiss or other gooshy stuff all the time.  I have PERSONAL space.  I like my personal space and not interested in getting to know you by jumping int he sack.. Not going to happen.

So finally I come back home, get sleep and go to work, as soon as I am off work my phone is ringing off the hook, its Saran, telling me about why he needs to be out of the apartment.  I need space damn it so I decline another night to hang out.  BEsides it kinda creeps me out with the barely knowing me and wanting to vie for my attention 3 nights in a row. 

That is not going to work.

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mhmmm.. interesting. the first part of the entry is simply hilarious to read. very attention-grabbing. .hehe wish you happiness!=)

October 16, 2007

yeah, that’s a little much. doesn’t the dude have any self-respect?

October 16, 2007

I don’t understand very much about what goes on in the RP world, though it does sound like it can get crazy at times. I’d love to be a fly on the wall at one of those events… 🙂 RYN: Bees too? Interesting.