I hate headaches

In nursing a head cold last week I took Thursday off, just so that I could rest and hopefully get my head back together without the draining and the lack of voice that comes with the head cold for me at least. 

So Friday I took Nor for his eye appointment, where they re-did his lasik and all that happy stuff, I hung out with him all day while waiting for Rite-Aid to find the meds he needed for the drops for his eyes.  4 trips in all to various drug stores is not fun, but I did get lunch out of it.  He will be making a full if not better recovery than last time it would appear.

So Friday night was the BRidge game and a conversation that I have already mentioned (that entry went to private, sorry) and I got home and went to sleep.

Saturday I took food and the like to the RHSC and La Cucaracha for my kids, who they are looking after and started to get a headache.  Well, after taking tylenol I knew it was PTC and tried to get some sleep when Flakes calls, she has a flat tire and has no lugwrench.  I drag myself out of bed and go to her where we eventually got the tire off, after a few adventures with the flying lugs and it was over for me, I had to go to the ER.

Flakes was an angel with me, although I had to on multiple occasions calm her down since this was her first trip to the ER with anyone she was more afraid than I was.  So after a while I was medicated and awaited my CAT scan she was there the entire time.  Only after my meds were wearing off did the Dr come in and perform the Lumbar Puncture.  I do hate them but this DR was actually good at it.  2 tries and she was in. 

Pressure = 24 (yuck way too high)
Color = Clear (yay no infection)
Taken – 6cc’s – yow thats a lot it seems

So they sent me home with pain meds and my back still hurts.  They took one look at me today at work and sent me packing.. not that I mind, my back and my head are both hurting.  I have to go in tomorrow and get things done as well.. but Lee will be there as opposed to today and hopefully less pain so that I do not want to shuffle around the office.

But LP’s seem to always hurt for days on end.. I will need a massage after this..

But Flakes was an ANGEL, I luff my sister!

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October 2, 2007

That doesn’t sound like fun, I hope you feel better soon. Nothing is worse than a bad back, or so I hear. And headaches are just annoying… RYN: Thanks. 🙂 I appreciate it.