He’s pissed me off again….

Guess who.. our favorite MaDScientist.

Went to Frolicon with him and Ayla this year and made plans to go back the next time get the room and have a grand ole time with the 4 of us (including Aylas betrothed) well guess what… MS has dumped the three of us for Fucking Sarah.. I am starting to hate that girl.

All I hear is about her it seems sometimes, he has lied to me about her, lied to Ayla and I want to confront him about it but dont know how without sounding completely jealous. I have some jealousy but not that extreme.. I am more irked that he tosses people like rubbish for her.

I have a miagraine and thats just the tip of my iceburg.

Now I have to deal with more drama…

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August 16, 2007

if someone is a crappy friend, then they are a crappy friend! no need to mince words – just tell him you feel like a cast off lately (don’t blame it on any one person.) And that you wish you could have more time with him.

August 28, 2007

RYN: I think it’ll be different if she knew that I read her…or that I had an OD, you know?? She has no idea, so she doesn’t feel the need to hide anything in her entries. 🙂