Pet Peevishness

Apparently when I am tired the pet peeves get to me more than usual.  I know people call and want you to tell so’n’so or him’n’her things if they are there but they called you.  For some reason this kind of thing ticks me off.  I mean its not like end of the world crap (like chewing gum in front of me.. {I just threw up in my mouth a little just thinking about that]) or anything just gets on my bleeding nerves.

It happened tonight with Blood and well I ticked off his pet peeve of people handing the phone over when asked to tell Jack’n’Jill something.  And I heard the word ‘bye’ so I accidently (sp) hung up on him.

We ticked each other off and here I am trying to play poker on tilt.  So needless to say I bounced out hard core.. like 1st one out of the gate.  I made some seriously *bad* calls and thats my fault.  Really, it is.

With the bit of bad blood,  I decided to keep my distance a bit and that was all good.

It was apologized for and life goes on.

I have to work tomorrow and then another night of poker for real money and not bar cash.  I will be happy if I get money again, gods know I need it.. the first two weeks of the month I am always scraping… another reason I am anxious to hear about the job promotion at work, Eddie said he would announce it either Monday or Thursday and Monday has already passed.

I think my meds need adjusting as last night I was watching the tube and some JCPenny Mothers Day commercial brought me to tears.  Mother is still around and we get along as well as ever.  I have never been Mommy’s girl, I have always been Dadoo’s girl.  I look to Mother for advice and with her counsel many times I have done right.

Its with her blessing that I am going to get the sterilization next year, even she thinks that with my scatterbrainedness and lack of desire for kids that it would be better off in the long run.  With my financial, emotional and physical health it would take a lot off my mind and take care of some things.    Granted I would have to deal with periods again, but that aside….

I have thought about talking to _______ and chickened out.  The timing has to be ‘just so’ in my head.  I am going to continue to wait, just flip flopping on when. 

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