Hatch Day & all

I am now 32, the sky is crying..

But I did have a fabulous time at the b-day celebration, thanks to the ever-wonderful Squid ™.   R. Thomas, punk and well what else does an old school punk girl need?

I have determined when I am not playing poker on Thursdays I will be at Lenny’s for their punk night.  For $7 its not going to break me but I will not be drinking there.  Too expensive ($9.50 for an Amaretto sour?) for drinking and I may drop in on occasion for the Trashed party on Fridays.  I miss dancing.

Started off at Lenny’s with The Black Daniels, not too bad I guess could use some work, especially on the cover of the Sex Pistols. 

Spectraman was solid from the start,  I will make plans to see them again sometime soon,.  I was impressed at the strength of showmanship without going over the top.

Luchagore started off a bit on the wrong foot but after the 2nd song they picked up the pace and got stronger.  The lead was some kind of wrestling champ, she is mucho hott.  I think without the reverb in the space they would have been better. 

"The CARD the CARD!"

In other news Mother paid for my tags and let me off a car payment for my b-day gift.  Dadoo called me Fri morning as he had just gotten back from Alabama to wish me a happy hatching day. 

Its all good.

Bridge was fine but trying Guitar Hero II was the limit of my fun.. I want to practice and not make a fool of myself.  I would have to buy a PS2/3 to try it more.  Seems I will be placing that on the X-mas list.. I would rather have a new ‘puter tho or an Ipod.  I miss selecting my own damned music. 


Sex Pistols

I’m on a submarine mission for you baby
I feel the way you were going
I picked you up on my tv screen
I feel your undercurrent flowing

Submission going down down
Dragging me down submission
I can’t tell ya what I’ve found

You’ve got me pretty deep baby
I can’t figure out your watery love
I gotta solve your mystery
Your sitting it out in heaven above

Submission going down down
Dragging me down submission
I can’t tell you what I’ve found
For there’s a mystery
Under the sea under a water
Come share it

Submission going down down
Dragging me down submission
I can’t tell ya what I’ve found
‘Cos it’s a secret
Under the water under the sea
Octopus Rock

Got me pretty deep baby
I can’t figure out your watery love
I gotta solve your mystery
Your sitting it out in heaven above

Submission going down down
Dragging me down submission
I can’t tell ya what I’ve found

Submission Submission
Going down down under the sea
I wanna drown drown under the water
Going down down under the sea

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