In Storms

Things seem to come in storms.. for once its the good kind of storm at least on the social/professional level.  (Wish I could say that in the financial area but that is too much to ask atm)

1.  Interviews with 2 places, one at a bank for admin asst, the other as a casting manager for a smallish company.
2.  Notices of interest with 2 other firms, both in travel, one as an agent the other as a consultant on international destinations.. not agent but more of a sounding board for people that think they want to travel and its pitfalls.  Still while giving the soft sale to the agents.
3.  Another position opened at Donnelly, my hat is in the ring.

Keep your fingers crossed.. I need it…

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April 5, 2007

fingers, toes, everything!

April 5, 2007


Praying praying!!. wish all the best.