Midwife Report

Well the Doctor (actually a midwife) has been seen and so far no problems have arisen, but then again I am still waiting on the blood test results.  But he girly bits are in order good color, no strangeness whatsoever and no parasites both of the conceived and non conceived are growing in the tummy. 

Not too bad I guess especially when I had to ask for the HIV test aside from the others.  Generally they just include it with my other crap but since I am now over 30 they thought about just skipping it and going on since over 30 means your life is in order.  Oh well, no worries since it was just another vial of blood to be drawn.

The midwife was nice, personable and gave me more information about my depo-provera and about my fibroids in the breasts that I hadnt been aware of.   (I dont worry about the breast fibroids as they go away after some time and as long as they keep to being rice shaped I have nothing to worry about.  Plus on a weird tilt it gives me a better chance of not getting breast cancer.. strange as it seems.  Additionally no one in my family has ever had breast cancer, thus, my chances are even lower)

For the depo there seems that they have determined a long term side effect that is drastic.. no estrogen production.  Means my bones are getting thinner with the depo and I need to concider another form of birth control in the nearish future. 

Between my psyche problems, PTC, ulcers and the tumors that have grown in the past in the womb I have been advised not to really try to get preggers without knowing its a suicide attempt.  But when I have mentioned sterilization in the past it has been met with some really harsh words about age, changes and how its invasive surgery.  The midwife brought it up as an alternative mentioning that it can be reversed (at cost) later if for some insane reason I decided to try for kidlets.  Plus I would not have need of hormones any longer to keep from parasites invading the womb. 

I like the idea of sterilization, I am getting older, my health is not the greatest and I have no desire for kids and I have not for years, save when I see a cute, well behaved bundle of debts.  I will be giving this some serious thought.

I am feeling tired and depressed, I need to check my meds and make sure I have enough for a while.. seems that the money maker is getting really tired from 4+ weeks of 6 day a week working…

I so want a hug.

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wish you health and happiness. take care of your self. medical problems are the worst. i know. 6 surgeries. but i’m still here. you will be all ok and so will be everything. *hug*