Dentist & Dadoo

I headed up to the ‘rents today and hung out with them.  They are seriously church obsessed, even Dadoo is going to take the plunge so to speak in actually getting baptised.  Yay for him and I cant blame them either as they have been following this particular faith for 30+ years.  Just strange as Dadoo was recently given the title of Deacon.   Funny how a little hard work will get you.  I am happy for him of course just seems strange in many ways.

Flakes and I both went to church with them for the Tue night study and dinner.  The pastor was surprised that both the sisters helped out to get things set up and ready to go for the noshing.  Neither one of us follows the faith and are pretty upfront about it.   Even my path of gnostism is a bit more acceptable than Flakes’ satanism.

After getting back to the ‘rents house I filled out the legal papers for Social Security.  That just depresses me more.  I am proud of what I have accomplished but I look at those years of recovery, abuse and lost hope and want those years back to maybe have had something by this time.  Not to be I can change the past no matter how hard I try. 

Did get mother paid for all the bills and I have to call progressive to change the car insurance to a lower rate.  This still leaves me with a few dollars and I can still pay a friend back with hardly a worry. 

Tomorrow is D-Day.. as in dentist and Flakes will not be with me, she has to work late.  So in her stead, Mother and Dadoo are coming down to hold my hand (probably literally) as the dentist takes a peek and may want to fix the front teeth.  I am so scared.

Dadoo asked me why I wanted someone with me.  I had to say "When was the last time I went?"  he just hugged me and told me it would be alright, Mother would be there even if he gets called to work.  He knows I am scared and after that little reminder he just wanted to be there as well.  I know he has responsibilities.

I admit I am Daddy’s girl, always have been and he has been a rock for me at times when I have needed one most.  We act much the same and have the same stubborn streak.  Yes, boys and girls I totally love my Dadoo and think he is one of the greatest.

I should be doing something productive.. but what the hell?

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February 21, 2007

good luck with the dentist!

February 21, 2007

Hmm. I wish you well with your dentist appointment.