Sickness & Poison

I hate being sick.  Seriously it sucks.

I let work yesterday early due to my lacking the ability to breathe and stayed in bed for most of the day and night.  At some point however my fever broke and I am now just struggling through the kitten phase.  I have been doing the Alka Seltzer Cold (Cherry) and Nyquil until my sister gave me some of the OTC meds she received when last she was sick. 

My new love… Congestac.. yes it works VERY well and I am grateful.  I realize that I do have a nose.  I still cant smell worth a damn but at least breathing is no longer a chore.

So what I plan on now as I spent today resting, reading and fucking around with the ‘puter is to call in the morning and see if I can make up some of the hours needed for work.  If not Wed then I will try for Sat.  I would rather not work Sat as I have a poker tourney then.  *sigh*

Why am I looking up poisons on the web?  Its not like I plan on making or using anything anytime soon. 

Gods I need to get my head on straight,, I still have to do my AIT downtime and clean the house a little.

I feel too weak to really try so if no work tomorrow, you know what I will be doing.

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January 23, 2007

I hope you feel better soon, take care!

January 23, 2007

I hate being sick too! It always depresses me and even makes me wish my mother was here to comfort me! Anyway, take care and Best Wishes!