Rest In Peace

Monnie Dean Workman
Cousin and Friend

More later…


I found out on my way to work that my cousin had passed on from a massive heart attack.  He was only 37.  Right now I am still feeling numb.  Chipper is always what I called him, most of the family did.  Even on the job he went by that moniker.  There really isnt a story as to why he picked up that nickname but it has always been..

His sister, Sissy, always was a cruel bully toward me and Chipper, I dont know if it was intentional or not would always include me when she was around.  It was sweet of him and genuinely appreciated. 

I guess he was my earliest champion. 

This has hit the family hard, we heard tonight that his wife, Gayle, is also hospitalized, another heart attack victim.  The same thing that took her husband has her fighting as well.

I do not plan on attending the funeral, I havent attended any in years and afterI was able as a child to opt out I havent been since.  Memorial services a couple of times but not a funeral, with the body and the wake and all. 

I keep thinking about my Dad he lost his own father when he was 14.  Chippers middle child is 15.  This has to me something like a memory for him in way as Dad lost his father on Dec 16.

Too much to really think about at the moment.  I need to decompress soon.

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December 14, 2006

hugs….i’m sorry