Sliding into Homeplate, erg my bed.

Oh yes my sister is weird….

I did have a lot of trouble sleeping last night for one was my own insomnia, tossing and turning, getting up talking to people online then try again.  I actually succeeded in getting some sleep about 3 am.  Restless as it were I was sleeping when I wake to hear my door knocked rattling away.  I thought it was the remanent of a dream then I hear a key.  Blinking awake I know its Flakes.  I put my head down, knowing when she comes over late at night like this she is too drunk to drive the 20 miles to her house.  I would rather her be at my place, sharing my lil bed than on the road, so I have this open door policy.

Low and behold the door doesnt open and the door knocker is rattling again.  I get up and go to the door.  Flakes is standing against the doorjamb, looking at her keys dumbfoundedly.  "The key didnt want to turn"  Okay, no worries and I let her in where she starts pulling off her shoes after dropping her keys on the floor.  

"Just chill out, take a nap" I told her and she slid onto my bed like a runner going for home plate.  I mean seriously that half jump thing and stretch out on the way down as she is slipping across the covers like Jose Conseco, or some other Hall of Fame baseball guy. 

I know nothing of baseball but I do remember some names, okay?

This is not 4.15 in the morning and 7.20 is my normal wake up time for a 9.30 shift.  So I crawl back into my bed and start to get comfortable, as Flakes has already stolen a major portion of the bedclothes.   Wiggle my way into comfort and normally I sleep on my side, one arm bent at the shoulder up and then the elbow at a right angle, the other arm is on my side.  So, I have just achieved this beautiful state when Flakes jumps across the bed, landing on my arm so that she is literally cuddled against her sister.

What could I do?  So I patted her shoulder since the elbow portion of my arm was free and she murmured something incoherant and tried to get closer.

Not even my lovers sleep this close to me.  Apparently blood is thicker than sex.

So to breathe I had to tilt my head up, to be comfortable I continued to cuddle my sister.  That chick is a heating element, my normal cold self was starting to sweat.. ewww..   Flakes was plagues with nightmares so I got to hear a running commentary as she talks in her sleep.  After she finally settles down I am finally able to extricate myself and get up.  Okay, bathroom, drink, go back.. Flakes is now lying across my bed, no room for me.

I ended up sleeping on the floor.

At 7.20 the alarm goes off and I have to inform her that work for her starts at 8.30, for me at 9.30.  She called in.  Apparently the tale of late night Taco Bell will work at the office.  I shall remember it for some other time.

I just sent her home, hangover and all.

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October 28, 2006

oh lord! You are a gooooood sister 🙂