More Cars and Poker

I must admit it has been a long 6 days and seems to have no end in sight.  Up and down, high and low it catches up to you after a while. 

I do have a new car, picked up on Tuesday, rather than the Sunday as promised but I shall not be complaining at this point.  Why look a gift horse in the mouth?  Now, I do need to pay Mother and Dad back (at a whopping $50 a month) for the next few months to pay of the car. 

Its a 1997 Ford Taurus G, it is the same shade as my sisters and only about 20,000 miles more on the odometer.  My bonus, I have a new motor, recharged air and a radio that actually works!  And here is the real kicker if anyone saw me with Richelieu, I dont have to get in like Daisy Duke and the General Lee.  I can wear short skirts again during the day and not have to worry about flashing total strangers my knickers, if I was wearing them at all.  (Thats sopposed to make you laugh boys and girls)

Its nice, has a different interior than Flakes’, its all good.

Its a long story about how it got to me and the yelling match with Mother and Dad when it wasnt ready by Monday night.  I’m just not getting into that. 

As for me I will relate Sunday as it still presses on my feeble mind a bit.

Atlanta Poker Club was advertising for free games, new players always welcome and that whole rig a ma roll.  (i dont know how to put that one) and well since it was only a few miles from the house I decided to take Mothers car, of which I was driving, to the event and see how they worked and if I liked it.  I drive the miles and get there a little early as for sign up and talk to the dealer et all before begining play.  At this time I was informed there was a "$10 coupon" required to play, this was insurance for the venue to get money from the players.  I have been broke and didnt plan on spending more than $2.00 plus $1.00 for a tip but that shot me through the roof.  How can you advertise a free game then walk into a $10 buy in for all intents and purposes?  Needless to say I walked out. 

I got back home and sent an email to the APC/KickAss Poker and received the following response.. and you shall have my commentary as well…

Hi Sabra,

First, I’d like to apologize to you for your 1st experience with the Atlanta Poker Club!  am sorry that you had such a negative experience (AS negative as my attitude about you right now is, I dont know if that is humanly possible without you committing sepukku)  I(negative???  Understatment!), and I completely understand your frustration and confusion.  (Thats just putting it mildly, I pissed the fuck off)You are correct, there are no mentions of the coupon (see the term buy-in) required from the Wooden Nickel on the website.  I apologize.

I will say that the APC tournaments are free to play,(since when is $10 free?) but some of the venues do have a nightly cover charge or require a coupon in exchange to play or something along those lines. (Then why was the lady taking the money going to give the cash to the dealer..hmmmmm?  Besides, thats not ‘free’ thats still a flucking buy -in)  These are venue specific and they do change from time to time (when you feel like it bastard) based on market trends and ownership demands (In other words, when we feel its getting too popular and may attract attention we shall rescend them).   The website is not always updated, this is our fault.  (Can we say false advertising anyone, good, I thought you could)

I don’t know where at in Atlanta you are at but I’d like to personally invite you out to Dos Copas tonight at the Hamilton Mill area (None of your business, but I’ll go for Downtown for $500, Alex),(Just 30 miles out of my way, and with traffic).  If you come out, I’ll reserve you a seat 100% for free (you just have to let me know ahead of time). (Mea culpa, please dont call the State Attorney General.)

If this venue doesn’t work for you (No shit Sherlock!  Very good, Watson), just let me know where and when you would be able to give the APC another shot and I’ll make sure you have a reserved seat 100% free.  (Again, I beg you not to call the law!) Once you experience poker APC style you’ll be glad you stuck around and gave us another shot, that I am sure of! (Wanna make bets buddy?  I’ll take my odds of never saying a good thing about you.. much less succumb to your begging.)

So, you have my personal apologies.  I’ll be at Dos Copas tonight and I’ll even buy you dinner to make up for your 1st experience at the Wooden Nickel if you can the opportunity to give us another shot!  ( Only a $10 meal?  Now I just feel cheap, I am not a whore to your shot of poker.  Maybe the GA State Attorney General would like to know about this kind of pandering after being caught by someone who does know the law.  I need a shower.)

Again, I really am sorry you had such a bad experience… So just let me know when and or if you would like to come back out.  (How abouts NEVER, you lying, cheap and cocksucking son of a bitch)



I know it was harsh but still, I needed the vent.

In other news…

Work has went well for the most part, although I was the demon for Hershey’s last week, this week I am the angel.  I ‘wowed’ the Hershey’s people on Monday with some calls I was recorded on.  Yay me!  And got several Kudos from the Higher ups in the office today.  Good, good, all around.  I turned in my Internal Promotion Form and Eddie looked at me, seeing as I switched from nights to days on a Doctors note "Why are you handing me this when you are medically unstable?"  then shut up.  If I were a vindictive bitch I could call down the thunder, no promotion based on my medical condition?  I know the job needs unlimited availability, but I wanted to show my interest, that is all.   

But work finally stopped and I got to my car ans started to Johnny’s for poker  just in time for a squall to come through.. yuck, but I had windshield wipers (something Richelieu didnt have) and made it in time.  Got the table to hold for Blood who was stuck in that smae mess and we started a few minutes late.  I heart Nicole she did the bad and posted his blinds till he made it (about 3 hands in). 

Suprising I placed 2nd again.  Would have been 1st if the fella who had the chipstack didnt trip me out with 6’s against my pocket queens.  Oh well, I have $5.00 in a gift cert for Johnny’s now.  Yay.

I sometimes hate to be teased, other times a flipping love it.  Good to know some things are still at least chemically volitile in me.  *weg*

I should get some sleep… Need to be up at 7.45 so I can get to work on time.

Sweet Dreams

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October 12, 2006

hehe im the same way when it comes to teasing. grats on the car as well 🙂 <3

October 12, 2006

woo hoo on the newold car! yay! that sucks about the apc. the guy sounded contrite and sincere, but I agree – that’s really far out of the way. How badly do you want to play free poker?