
Anyone know of a firm that needs a decent Secretary/Admin Asst/Travel Agent or Television flunky?

I am looking for work again, I have had it with Donnelly, they have cut the night shift down to 3 people on a busy night like Friday and wonder why we are dropping calls left and right.  Atop that I am getting hassled about edits not being done even though ‘nights are slow’  sha, right.  I do not have a chance at promotions, raises or anything till my one year anniversery, they are paying the new hires more than me and yet I am expected to hold their hands like children.  No thank you, I am not paid enough and dont have the title.  Something goes wrong and here I am fixing it because I know UNIX systems and know how to change out a moniter when one blows up on us.  Extra pay, nope. 

So, its time to move on, get a grip and a day job.  You know those jobs that are M-F 9a to 6p?  I want one.  I have placed my resume out there but I dont expect to hear much.  Donnelly is the first job I have really had since Carlson in 2002.  And much of that year was on medical leave. 

Yes, my dear children, I blame it on Sept 11, that is when my life started to fall apart, the day I died so to speak mentally, my body only followed suit.  I give you the time line….

  • 9/11  Over 30 people I knew in passing died and my cousin was missing for 2 days.
  • 10/19  Rushed to the ER due to pain in the lower left quad.  Undetermined before sending me home.  Given Darvocet 3 days worth for pain.
  • 10/21  First sonogram showing a tumor in my uterus roughly the size of a baseball. (How did the ER miss that?  Oh yeah, they wanted to say it was a kidney stone)  Rx – Motrin 500mgs {Like that was going to do squat, besides harm my liver}
  • 10/23  Second sonogram, second opinion, first mention of the BIG C {Rx change to Darvon}
  • 10/25  Dr calls me in to speak about the effects of radiation and chemotherapy as the way the tumor sits appears to be cancer and I need to be prepared.
  • 11/12  Third sonogram, the tumor is smaller, 3rd Dr find where the blood was cut off and the reason for the extreme pain is the tumor is dying, degenerating.  Three month script for Darvon, Percocet and Demerol.  Signs of depression have increased beyond 3 weeks, although I thought it was physical ails more than mental ones.
  • 12/24 After spending money on Dr’s I have nothing to give to the family.
  • 1/5/02 Make appointment with Shrink due to severe crying spells and lethargy
  • 1/15/02  First meeting with Shrink, diagnosed as depression, Effexor added to all the rest of the crap I took at the time.  Fucking druggie at that point.
  • 2/1/02 2nd meeting with Shrink told "Give it a couple more weeks"
  • 2/14/02 3rd meeting "Give it another week"
  • 2/26/02 4th meeting "It takes some time for the meds to work"
  • 3/4/02 Hospitalized after fugue state and self injury (That to this day I can not remember)
  • 4/10/02 Released from Anchor Hosiptal
  • 6/15/02 Return to work
  • 6/20/02 Leave work on medical leave again
  • 8/?/02 Released from Carlson due to medical inadequacies to fill job description.

Thats the timeline, about the best I can remember.  Hell for three months I had narcotics out the yazoo.  Best way I can put it now without crying again.

Now I am at a point I need to re-evaluate my pre-Sept 01 life with what I have now.. that is going to take a lot of introspection and thought.  Part of me is not looking forward to this.  You will see my pros and cons as I can put them together. 

Erg.. Longer entry than I thought this would be.. I should get some sleep.  Or something.

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September 16, 2006

Wow…thats a lot to go through in such a short time of less than a year. ::HUGS:: <3