More Drinks Please!

I should be saying much more than I probably will…. get ready for a trip boys and girls…

After the debauchery of last weekend I have been at work, unhappily but I need moolah like the rest of the world.  I should just go straight to video….

Wednesday night was poker night once again, this time placing 8th.  Got to meet the hilarious Dani who took my accustomed 4th.  I say this with all friendliness, I detest you.  However, it was good, found a new band I will have to check out when they are playing something closer than Stockbridge. 

Bad news, M  had his car broken into during the tourney and lost about $200 worth of stuff (you can see his post, neener) my real worry is the medication.  If his heart starts doing flip flops that is a VERY bad thing.  Speaking to a mutual friend it was clarified that since his last physical was so long ago that they want him into the office before meds will be re-issued.  That scares me with most of the Drs in the Atlanta area. 
     ~~~~ The irony of this is just prior to my departure for work we were discussing my lackluster life and he mentioned I have bad luck and it may be catching.  How prophetic!~~~~

This does go on as getting to work the Red Headed Step Child was dismissed.  It fucking sucks as this affects me and my life.  I like this person and we have been friends despite other issues.  I worry more about La Cucaracha as she has no support here in the states.

This is not something I did not anticipate, he was waltzing into work late 90% of the time.  Just the timing was suprising as he was given the next weeks schedule before being called into the Supervisors office.
     ~~~~Yes, my bad luck is contagious~~~

At least the interview for another friend went well, I may end up with a roomie before long.  I could use the cut in bills, really.

Last night I went over to the free stand up comedy at Relapse Theatre with the Flakes  for a few laughs, a few drinks and connect with newly made aquaintences.  

I need to stop drinking while there.

Yes, I was drunk again, and propositioned for a ‘job’ as professional heckler.  As most of these people are just starting out they feel it is a good thing to learn how to deal with a heckler.  Okay, being a smart ass has its advantages.  Now, I am quiet till after the 1st drink is downed.  After the 2nd, look out I am ‘Cat Woman’.  I was flattered, but at the bar I was asked what I wanted.  Now, lil drunk me was told, free drinks if I flashed.  That is something no woman in her right mind would do. I was not in my right mind. 

But since Flakes was busy I caught a ride home with the MC, discussing the whole professional heckler bit.  Its either heckle or they are going to try and drag me onstage to do a stint. 
     ~~~Bad news is, I could do it after a couple of drinks~~~

I am a lightweight.  I woke a couple of hours ago… erg, I need to sleep more.  I am damn lucky to not have hangovers.

I may show up again tonight.  Gods save me.

Dragon*Con is coming, I have the time off and I will be dining alone, unless I find friends to join me. As StellaBambino forgot about my assersions of going to Avra and Faogao.  I know I will be joining Lynessa for drinks one night (demon alcohol!) and I know I will end up hanging with Vinny for a while.  I will shove food down his gullet.  He has never eaten a lot.  My beautiful Vinny, my protector.  Gods know that some people will try to start shit with that. (Being a slut and all) As I know StellaBambino will try to assert.  That train is long gone.  No one needs to tell me shit about how they love me then decline to speak with me, lie and make a general ass of themselves and call me a whore/slut in front of people.  Nope, not going to do that ride again.  My self esteem can not take it.

This will get worse, especially if I locate Nikoli’s number as Vinny requested.  Makes me feel like a stalker.

One of these days you will all learn of Nikoli, bastard son of McGyver, but he lost the knife. 
      ~~~I know where too!~~~

Okay, more sleep for me…

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August 25, 2006

ack – I hope your friend gets to see a doc soon. that really sucks. Professional heckler sounds awesome. Youwill have to chronicle that if you get the job 🙂