What I Did on My Day Off….

I am still alive, akin to zombification with my lack of sleep until last night but still, it all is good.  At least I slept last night.. I didnt mean to fall asleep but I guess that Kingdom of Heaven was boring me, although I barely remember opening credits. 

But having yesterday off was very nice.  Ended up not cleaning the house much but have completed another chapter in the story.  I am a little nervous about positing it here so I am debating actually doing so when finished, some things hit too close to home and although its a comedy part is uncomfortable for people who may know where the inspiration comes from to see.  I do not want to offend anyone.  Sometimes I am too nice for my own good, because I think this story has some great moments, one liners from hell.  Not exactly in the vein of Mel Brooks but more like Vonnegut in its disparity.  *le sigh*

But I did go out last night, played poker, came in 4th so I was very pleased as this was the first go aside from AIT or online for me to play.  Body language is usually a good indicator of thought for me but I was shaking so bad that trying to control that blasted my observation skills.  But it was a good time and my last hand was desperation not to be blinded out.  Thank the gods I had a terrific friend with me!   I ended up eating the leftover pizza (that I did not touch during the tourney) this morning for breakfast. Nerves finally calmed down I guess to feel hunger.  I could stand to lose a few pounds anyways.

Golgotha photo edits are coming along and Saturday I will be acting as a Production Assistant from about 1pm on.  Makes me a happy camper to be working in film again.  I have warned the Director that AIT is that night so I may bug out early for more rest and preparation for running around acting like an uppity Tremere again.   skull   (From the Golgotha shoot)

Happy days, I have more photos to take, edit, and send off.  Thankfully I have next Friday and Saturday off.  Going to try for poker again Wednesday, although I will be working.  I just hope its not 10-6 rather than 11-7. 

Okay I need to clean the haushuld and do more edits and writing. 

From your local Sanity Wrangler..sabra at new years

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August 11, 2006

I can’t read your entry well on the monitor at work since the colors look the same…hopefully i can read it better at home…hoping everything is alright…

August 11, 2006

RYN: thankyou 🙂