Complaints.. more of them.. eep

And here I shall commence…

The tooth is doing better, most of the swelling went down earlier in my waking hours, still a bit tender but I shall survive.  As I am terrified of Dentists so this is definitely good news in my not so humble opinion.  I still look a bit like a chipmunk, but its not Chip and Dale variety any longer.  I just need to get some recuperative, sleep and more than likely I will be dandy again.

Why afraid of dentists?  Since the age of about 5 I have never been.  The ‘rents were not too keen on the idea and I did not even have a cavity until I was well into my teens.  Even that cavity was not a big deal, I started to have some problems wtih my teeth after marrying Kander.  Since then it has been an uphill battle.  All my life I have heard the horror stories and how much pein people have been left in.  It frightens me and I am obstinate about going.  Hell, I would have to bed to be put under.  Even then I would worry about waking with no teeth and him/her grinning telling me how much I owed while I scream in pain.  I know its not rational, but I would need to be sedated just to go in for a chek up much less when I do have pain.

I still havent done my downtime for AIT, although my extension was granted once I explained why I was going to be late (i.e. pain, drugs and generally bitchiness) and got the awwww.. poor baby.  Go away, I dont want to be coddled right now.

Here is what is disturbing me the most at the moment.  I work, hard at that in the middle of the night trying to get ahead in the world.  The company since we are short staffed has contracted with Ranstaad for some temp workers.  Now generally you think temp work, not the greatest pay compared to whom you are working with.  No no no not here, they are making average $3.00 more than me and even $2.00 over my supervisors.  WTFH???!!!!???!!! 

We now feel totally dejected and yet especially on the night crew are wondering why we stick around.  As for me AJC here I come as after Labor Day weekend (and my paid vacation) I shall be job hunting again.  That is seriously upsetting when you are working your ass off, fixing the temps mistakes, answering temps questions and yet they make more than you with no seniority. 

Okay probably need to stop bashing the company while at work.<

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July 21, 2006

I don’t know what it’s like where you are, but down here there are some dentists that practice “sedation dentistry” where they gear their practice toward folks like you who are squemish about the dentist. There are options for you. 🙂

July 23, 2006

In addition to wunderkont’s comment…there are also dentists available now who claim to be able to do work with minimal pain to their patients. I’m not big on dentists either, but it hurts a whole lot less than other things (re: the procedure you and I have in common). Like other things, it’s the anxiety that builds up that is the real problem. Good luck and I’m glad you’re feeling better, hon.