Broken Tooth

I broke a tooth, somehow grinding my teeth in my sleep.  So now, my jaw is swollen, its hard to talk and I still have to work tonight.  Being a Thursday I doubt that I will get early out or the like.  I need the money but its rather difficult to speak when you look half like a chipmonk. 

I need to get my lazy butt to the laundry room and take out the garbage but its so hot that I just look outside and start sweating.  I also need to hit the grocery and pick up soft, not chewing meals (soup) so that I take in some nutrition before this thing goes down.

I have writeers block, my general ramblings do not count.  Given an image of a rubber ducky in a tub is the project but I read it back and it seems so contrived.  Shoot me please?

I have pudding at least… talk to you all soon again.

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July 20, 2006

so when are you going to take care of the tooth???

July 20, 2006

Ouch! Gotta get that taken care of before it abcesses, hon. To help with nutrition, try something like Boost or even Ensure shakes. They are actually good and will get you the stuff you need to keep you going. Best of luck with the tooth!

July 21, 2006

If you lived in NY, I’d go with you. You need to take care of your teeth because what goes wrong there affects your whole body. Do you know if you have a tooth infection it can affect your heart valves? Etc etc…etc. There are some great dentists out there. Check with friends, family and others to see who they see. Maybe someone would go with you. I know I would if you lived near me.