
I had the day off today and spent it alone, as par for the course.

I spent the whole day sleeping as I came home about 11:30pm last night, talked/chatted via IM with a friend then went to bed.  Save for the couple of hours after waking at 4am and heading over to Waffle House and actually having a Waffle I came back about 6am and back to sleep.  I just woke again about 30 minutes or so ago.

A friend told me a Waffle is happiness, it was in his honor that I actually ate it.  Honestly I dont feel better.  At least the waterworks have calmed a bit. 

Part of what brough this about since I felt so horrific is that the person I was sopposed to have seen last week and I tried to explain how I felt, how hurt I was was not so consoling.  He was an asshole really telling me I didnt compromise enough that I havent done jack squat right.  Yeah, thanks.  I looked at my LiveJournal and he is on my friends list and well he has a chick he shall ‘soon be enamoured with’.  Move on fast dont ya buddy?  This only reenforces how I have felt the ‘good enough till something prettier, etc etc etc comes along’.  Shoot me now.

So, now that I have slept I dont know what I want to do.  Part of me is still screaming to go back to bed and lose myself in dreams.  Hell I dont remember them today its a strange blessing there.  I feel tired and ache some, probably too much sleep.  Should eat but I dont feel like cooking, should clean but I am too apathetic to start and really what else is there?  Social contact is a no no, I would try to bring something home and well that is not good either, besides who wants a fat, depressed chick?

I dont know what is up anymore.  I just dont want to deal.

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July 5, 2006

hang in there. Boys suck. I hate how they can make us feel so deeply about them when they are assholes.

July 7, 2006

I’m married and I love my husband, but men in general suck ass. They’re awfully picky and choosy for a gender that can’t even piss into a toilet bowl that is far bigger than their unit without leaving a present for the woman who goes in after them. The only difference between human males and dogs is that some dogs have more hair than men and dogs can give themselves blow jobs. Lovely.