
I am now the official owner of a 1991 Thunderbird. 

Unbeknownst to the parents me and Flakes have taken the car on its maiden voyage… for gravy fries and hot wings a la Huddle House.  The check engine light came on, will tell Dad in the a.m. (god and part of me wants to sleep)

But MY BIRD is pretty concidering the year, has some issues and hopefully the check engine light is nothing that will prevent me from driving home.  Alas I am at the ‘rents home at the moment.

So morning activities include driving to the neighboring town for my brothers Explorers thing with the GBI bomb squad, back to R’mart for tags then some sleep before heading out to Atlanta for work.

I should feel happy, and part of me is very pleased with the aquisition of wheels, just hoping that light will not prevent me taking the Bird home.  MARTA is a bitch and well I would rather not ask Steve for a ride when he gets back from Mexico and deal with that uneasiness.

Got some of the ‘spare’ meds from mother and going to start them again tonight, so that I may feel a little less depressed at least till I get to another Dr (they closed the clinic where I was going and my county wants me to wait another 6 weeks before even thinking of intake much less an appointment.  People commit suicide in that kind of time frame okay?  Sure, just make sure the ones that are in crisis are placed at Grady.. or GMHI.. thanks

Cross your fingers, as I will be going home tomorrow for work et all in my dreams in my car. 

I need something to go right.


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June 22, 2006

hope your car is okay, and I hope YOU are okay.

July 7, 2006

Mmmm…Huddle House. -drooling- Never thought I’d miss that place, or their greasy food, so much! I’m living out here on the left coast now and there is NOTHING that resembles the greasy goodness of my favorite place up here in the PacNorWest. It sucks. I also miss my dive biker bars. Damn West Coast people and their hippie ways!