12 Dead 1 Alive – ICG and False Reports

Saco Mine – West Virginia

12 Miners are dead
1 Survirvor – Randal McCloy

CNN had reported, the officials reported that initially upon reaching the miners that all 12 of the feared dead were alive.  One other was found Tuesday (fatally injured by the initial explosion) but there was still a residual hope that the remaining 12 were alive.  About midnight tonight the report was that all 12 were alive and in the words of the Governor "Miracles do happen".   It was joy for the loved ones of the sopposed survivors the knowledge they would be re-united soon.  Some were even told the miners would come down as soon as possible to great their families.  Hours passed with only the celebration to sustain them till they laid eyes on their fathers, sons, brothers and husbands.

About 3a.m. word was given to the gathered at the Saco Baptist Church that there was actually only one survivor.  The mining officials are trying to deny that they gace that information fromt he command center.  That it was cell phone eavesdropping to say the least that 12 alive was leaked.

HOW COULD THEY???  Build the hopes and dreams of these people who have been through 45 hours of HELL by telling them that all 12 were alive then tear their hearts out a few hours later by informing them en masse that all but one had perished from carbon monoxide poisoning.

How can you call 11 dead a miscommunication?

Gods I feel for those families.  Great heights then dragged into hell once again.  ICG needs to pay for this allowing of misinformation to be released then pawn it off as something that could not be their fault.  The explosion was inevitable with 46 violations at last check. 

Sidebar – I watch these miners because I am the granddaughter of 2 coal miners, both of which are no longer with us, but their work has fueled our homes, businesses and government.  It is close to my heart, my uncles and cousins have performed the tasks of getting coal and I have worried, thought about them each time I hear of any mine explosion or collapse.  Thankfully none have been killed.  This makes me ill to my stomach.

I shall be keeping Randal McCloy in my thoughts, I ask you to do the same.

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July 7, 2006

That was such a tragedy…a double tragedy, really. It reminds me of the recent story of the two girls who were in an accident and were confused for each other. I can’t even imagine how it must have felt for the family who thought their daughter was alive to realize that she was dead and the girl whose bedside they’d been by wasn’t their daughter at all. Heartbreaking.